Forum Discussion

jayglover158's avatar
5 years ago

The Sims 4 x Harry Potter


This post was originally posted on the EA forum last year but it seems to have revived. A year later, a Star Wars pack is being made. It may not be for everyone but I think a Harry Potter themed pack would mould things over.

I copied this response below from another user and reworded it:

I guarantee that a Harry Potter expansion pack would be extremely popular and massively profitable; even people who don’t play The Sims would buy the game and start playing it purely for the HP expansion.
It would definitely need to be an EP, not a game pack, though. You could go to Hogwarts & if depending on the subjects excelled at, you could unlock certain branches of employment at the Ministry, or become a Professir once you graduated in that subject. You could start a club like The Order of the Phoenix or the Death Eaters. You could pick a side, to back Voldemort or fight for Muggle/Wizard community. If you got certain skills high enough, like transfiguration, you could transfigure normal stuff into more valuable things to sell them; if your legilimency skill is high enough, you can learn secrets about other sims, etc. There could be different Houses that would influence how you react to different sims and situations.
A Harry Potter expansion pack DEFINITELY needs to happen!”

Firstly, I know we have ROM and as much as I loved it at first, it got boring quickly as there wasn’t much too it? In my opinion.

I understand it would cost a few bomb but doesn’t EA own the rights to the Harry Potter games anyway? And I’m pretty sure they would earn profit as the HP community is bigger these days than it was 10 years ago.

There’s so much possibilities to create