Forum Discussion

luciusstorm's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
21 days ago

Wyrd Tales - View from the Mountain

A Wyrd Tales Short Story

This is the feedback post for View from the Mountain, the 6th story in my Wyrd Tales series. The story itself will be posted on my blog.

Note for new readers, because several of my Wyrd Tales stories contain mature themes, language and content I cannot actually provide links to the blog itself. If you want a link, contact me.

  • luciusstorm's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    OK, that was the last chapter of View from the Mountain. I'm glad folks enjoyed it, even though my game glitched out and I couldn't get the pictures I wanted. Actually, honestly, I think the story is stronger for the lack of them... and it forced me to flex my descriptive writing again, which was cool.

    So, for the big announcement, which I've already reached out to my regulars privately about...

    View from the Mountain is the last story I will be posting on the EA forums for the foreseeable future. I am taking my stories over to the Sim Creatives forums. I'm doing this primarily because of the ongoing, and I believe fundamental, issues with the new EA forums. My stories will still be posted on my blog (which I can link to from the Sim Creatives, another reason to make this move). If you need a link to either the Sim Creatives or my blog, send me a private message and I'll be happy to pass it along. If folks want to join me, you'll be welcome not the least because...

    Next week, Strangerville Mystery will begin...


  • luciusstorm's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    View from the Mountain, Part 4

    'Tis but a few seasons to immortals.


    • BlueSeaWaves's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      That was sweet, I was curious how would Mariah would get through it. This was sweet and perfect, beautifully said. 

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        Thank you. 

        Sometimes, the story fights me and other times I really feel it. This was one I really felt. 

    • DaniRose2143's avatar

      That was really sweet and so wonderfully written. ๐Ÿฅฒ

      Can't wait for what comes next. 

    • DaniRose2143's avatar

      I'll second the interesting from Ellupelluellu

      That was quite a little bombshell to drop on Miranda. It feels like there's more to the Council preventing Lucius from getting involved than what he's letting on.

      I like the little hint about the Great Western desert. I'm looking forward to that one.

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        "I was... restrained."

        So what, exactly, restrains a man who Bella Goth believed was capable of single handedly destroying Willow Creek? It is possible he's not sharing the whole story there. 

        ... and he describes his time in the Great Western Desert as "challenging" ... yeah. 

        One more chapter of this and then we'll see about that.

    • BlueSeaWaves's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      I hope he listens to Miranda
      Was that a strangerville reference๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜ƒ

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        Is he wise enough to know that he's been wrong... We'll see. ๐Ÿง™

        Strangerville reference? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Could be... could be. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Ellupelluellu's avatar

      Mmh. interesting ๐Ÿ˜Š

      I would not been so calm as Miranda if I were there tho ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        I think she's processing a lot. Also, I didn't want to spend a full-length story on this. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • luciusstorm's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    View from the Mountain., Part 2

    "Girlfriend, bring it in here!" Aadi Bheeda, a broad smile on their round face, opened their arms to give Miranda a big hug. "How are my little M&M's?"

    • DaniRose2143's avatar

      The news about Derek and Ian was both sad and sweet. I've been curious how Mariah was going to deal with Miranda's immortality and what it means for them. She's just scratching the surface. 

      That was a great chapter. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        Thank you.

        For characters I never actually used or had "on stage" I really enjoyed Derek and Ian's role in this story. They were a great couple.

    • BlueSeaWaves's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Aadi bringing culture indeed๐Ÿ˜„love that 
      Rip Dereck and Ian, ah Mariah ๐Ÿ˜ข hope that sense of doubt doesnโ€™t grow into anything bigger ๐Ÿ˜” 

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        We can always count of Aadi to bring the culture. ๐ŸŒˆ

        As for Mariah... parts 3 & 4, coming next week. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Though, the last chapter of College Years gives a hint. Can't post a link to it... 'cause Puritans. Yet another reason I'm liking the Sims Creatives forum. I can post links to my blog there.) 

    • Ellupelluellu's avatar

      Great episode ๐Ÿ˜Š Sorry about D&I .. those are adults in my main save, and adopted Ian's niece...

      but back on topic.. loved the last part. That indeed is a question every mortal would ask and often. I doubt there is anything ever to totally take that fear away...

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        Yeah, sadly, D&I were elders when Miranda was born. She's 21 now, so they were getting up in years. They also gave me a way I could poke Mariah's insecurities, so it served the plot. 

        Mariah is working so hard on dealing with her emotional issues, but she's still young and her they will blindside her. 

  • I missed my M&Ms so much. Itโ€™s so wonderful to see them again. I canโ€™t wait to see Aadi too. ๐Ÿฅฐ Iโ€™ve been dying to know what their life has been like.

    • luciusstorm's avatar
      Seasoned Veteran

      It's been nice to visit them all again. I think you're going to like Part 2. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • luciusstorm's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    View from the Mountain, Part 1

    "You know, we have these things called phones," Mariah Huntley said gently.

    • luciusstorm's avatar
      Seasoned Veteran

      Following up on my earlier 'off topic' reply... I am seriously exploring moving over to The Sims Creatives forum. I've created a profile there and will probably cross post View from the Mountain over there. If I like it, I may make it a new home.

      I have really enjoyed all of your comments and feedback, and I will deeply miss folks who I might lose by doing this... but the weight that lifted off my shoulders when posted on The Sims Creatives is real. 

      I'll keep you all updated.

    • luciusstorm's avatar
      Seasoned Veteran

      Off topic, but my thread so I give myself permission... I am really frustrated with these forums. Getting this thread started this morning was so annoying that I seriously considered giving the whole thing up as a bad effort. Now that I've seen replies from Ellupelluellu and BlueSeaWaves I know that I don't want to lose this community but then I realize that there are replies that I didn't see because they get buried under "Show More" and the notifications are almost worthless.

      Argh, why does it have to be so hard? 

      Sorry, end of rant. We now return you to our regularly scheduled story, already in progress.

      • Caerfinon's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        I'm also becoming very frustrated with these forums. I just want to post and discuss things, but the bugs and glitches are increasingly making this more difficult every day. Without some improvements I'm not sure the effort to continue to use this site is warranted. ๐Ÿ˜ข 

    • BlueSeaWaves's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Great to see these two again, and Aadi coming up๐Ÿ˜ƒ It can't be so bad to go meet him...right?๐Ÿ˜€

      • luciusstorm's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        It was nice to get back to them. We love Aadi. ('they/them' btw, but you are forgiven for forgetting. ๐Ÿ™‚ I do too sometimes.) I only regret that I couldn't find a way to fit Genie into this story.