@bluehope9 Great ideas! Really love the idea of Aliens "learning" how to human, LoL.
There are so many possibilities for Alien gameplay. Aliens deserve some love, and so do Mermaids (and so do playable Ghosts).
The problem with introducing Occult Sims in an expansion pack is they are shortchanged and overshadowed. The main focus of the expansion pack isn't the Occult, it's the world (Sulani) or gameplay (Active Careers) they came in. There are some realism players who would prefer to disable Occult Sims from these expansions because it breaks their realism play-style. Occults are a style of gameplay for a specific player type. Game Packs are the perfect vehicle to put full focus and development on Occults.
This begs the question, if there are no refreshes planned for the future (which I hope isn't the case), would it be possible for Aliens and Mermaids to get their own occult Game Pack (GP) independent of their respective expansion packs?
Actually, it begs a few questions:
Would Get To Work (GtW) be required DLC for Aliens to appear in a separate dedicated Game Pack (GP)?
Could a GP-Alien appear without Get To Work?
Would the code of a GP-Alien conflict with the GtW-Alien if both of these packs were installed?
If Get To Work is installed after an Alien Game Pack, would the GtW-Alien override/conflict with the GP-Alien?
The expansion packs that gave us Aliens and Mermaids only provided a small glimpse of these fun new life states. Mermaids and Aliens are just too interesting to leave to obscurity. We shouldn't ignore these Occults, we should explore them.