CAS face/hand zooming after Businesses and Hobbies
Is there any way to reverse it?
As a legacy family player, I make family trees, in which I screenshot the faces zoomed in. So now, having 6 generations already, every time I want to add a person/update a picture there’s no cohesion and it looks very odd.
The "new zoom" is too close for my liking and I also don’t like the bracelet/ring zoom.
When I click on the accessories button it zooms me straight down to the hand + I can’t even see the bracelets most of the time & on bracelets that are elbow height, the zoom does not help, since they’re out of the frame.
If to keep the feature (zooming to the bracelets/rings), I’d make it so u can click a magnifying glass, like u do on the face, and then it zooms you. However I’d reverse the face zoom to the way it was pre-update.
I appreciate the idea and the work that went into this tho <3