Clothes look bulky unless sim is very skinny
Has anyone else noticed that some tops look bulky if the sim doesn't have a tiny waist? It's so annoying that there are several cute tops i like but that i can't use unless i make my sim very skinny. This happens with or without mods on, and it's both women's and men's clothing. I've noticed this with certain CC before (although i've seen that some CC-creators make their sims pretty slim, so i just assumed they didn't test their clothing on bigger sims), but i haven't seen this problem with EA's clothing until the last few months. Is this bothering anyone else?
This is my sim now, and the waist on this shirt kind of goes like this ( )
And this is how the shirt looks if i make her slimmer, but then she has to be this skinny. I don't mind making thinner sims, but i try to make my sims realistic and diverse, meaning that i usually wont have her waist put to the skinniest possible like this.
Here are some more examples where this happens: