Hear me out, okay? A younger teen pack would be so awesome! When I look at teenagers in the sims 2 and 3. They are all shorter than the adults and younger adults. You can always tell that they are teens just by looking at them. When they sims 4 came out in 2015. It did not have a lot of things. Toddlers, pools, memories, etc. Well, one of the biggest things that I feel has been missing since then and even now is teenagers who look like teenagers. The "teens" in the sims 4 look no different from adult and young adult. They look much older than the child state and it always looks off when aging from child to teen. They look like those 30 year-olds in 2000s movies that play kids in high school. They also seem like they would be around 17- 19. A younger teen pack in the sims 4 could be around 13 -16. I feel like the younger teens could be shorter than the older teens and taller than the child state. The pack could also come with some unique stuff for younger teens like we had in the sims 2. It could also have a feature where they are going through puberty and they are scared about their body changing. They could have mood swings and feeling embarrassed by their parents and maybe a goth or rebelling phase. I just hope this happens because I wanted this forever. Thank you for reading and sorry this is so long.