Can Ghosts Tan?
I was deciding on a new Aspiration for a Ghost Sim and noticed one of the Beach Life goals is "Get a Suntan." Can a Ghost even do that? I have no doubt they can use the sunbathing towels, but can they actually be affected by it? Will they get skin tone changes (under the ghostly haze of course)? If not, can they still accomplish the goal by spending the appropriate amount of time attempting to tan their translucent ectoplasm? If it's impossible, I may be forced to cheat through that particular goal.
Mine could not tan. Also vampires & aliens also cannot tan. My alien Sim got stuck on that aspiration. It was devastating.
On Console we can't use the Aspirations.Complete_Current_Milestone cheat so my game literally was broken. I deleted the save I was so upset. Console only gets 10 saves. I wasn't about to take up valuable save space for a playthrough where the entire plan was to have an alien marry a mermaid, have kids & enjoy Sulani. The whole family would never be able to actually complete the Island Living specific aspiration while living in the islands. They would always be outsiders. NEVER able to fully be accepted. Think about all the other Sim kids getting tans but not the alien kids. No. Not then. Mommie mermaid could get a tan but never them. Never. Them. Broke my heart.