Help!! CAS won't let me edit dog sims and parts of the UI never dissappear!!
I have removed my mods folder, repaired my game, and done just about anything I can think of save for fully uninstalling and reinstalling the game, it's a huge pain to redownload so I'm hoping there's just some fix I missed while looking I can do
The first problem is that while in CAS the Likes and Turn Ons menu just straight up never goes away, there's no way to close it and clicking on anything else doesn't make it minimize
The second problem is that when I try to edit a dog sim none of the sliders appear or are usable except for the head specifically, I cannot edit the neck, body, feet or tail sliders at all whatsoever
Like I said at the top I've removed my mods folder and these bugs still keep showing up, please someone help me I'm going insane 😭😭😭