Forum Discussion

ArilyBoo's avatar
Rising Rookie
24 days ago

I can't do this anymore!!!

I just cannot play this game anymore. It is so broken it's ridiculous. During the last sale I purchased some expansion packs and other content I was excited to play but the different bugs and glitches that keep happening make it's so unenjoyable. I'm literally screaming at my Sims through the monitor and sound like a crazy person.

My Sims infant is in the red for sleep and I told my Sim to put the baby in the crib. She puts the baby in the crib and immediately takes the baby out and puts the baby on the floor which then the baby falls asleep on the floor. I try for over THREE Sim hours to wake the baby up and put it back in the crib and it's just me yelling at my Sims to put the baby in the crib and walk away. How come Sims will not just leave the baby alone!!! I can't even find a mod to fix this. WHY after putting the baby in the crib do they want to immediately pick the baby up and put it on the floor? I've suffered through this with the first infant and here I am suffering again and I just cannot do this anymore. I'm so stressed trying to play this game. It's not even worth it anymore and I've wasted my money buying any Sims 4 expansions or other content.      

  • Jehane40's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    I had that happen with my Sims' infants, too, over and over again, and at one point, I got so annoyed that I aged all three infants up to toddlers. That made playing a lot easier and enjoyable because toddlers are a lot easier to handle - they can do stuff on their own, and if you hire a nanny she will take a lot of work off your hands. The only annoying things about nannies is that they will always give your kid something unhealthy to eat, and if you have more than one infant, forget about nannies altogether because they can't handle it and will just stand there doing nothing while the kids cry their eyes out.

    At one point, I had three infants on one lot (don't ask...), and the game was completely overwhelmed with that. It had nannies spawn like crazy (I think I had four or five nannies), the infants kept glitching in and out of their cribs, the parent Sims would just stand around doing nothing while the babies were crying... very, very stressful, but it got a lot better once the kids aged up to toddlers.

  • Do something else if you're finding that Infants are unenjoyable. Start a new game, or switch to another household, without any Infants. Take a camping trip with Outdoor Retreat, try the Scientist career with Get to Work, go skiing in Snowy Escape, relax on the beach with Island Living, etc. You could even try having the Infants grow up early. 

    The point being, The Sims 4 has lots of things to do, so when you find that one part of it is unenjoyable, just do something else. I know this doesn't fix the problem but it does make it far less important. I've had problems with knitting, fishing (in Sulani), and high school  since the last update but it doesn't really bother me. I've just put those saves on hold while I finished up the Doctor career, started a University degree, had several new romances, and done numerous other things in numerous saves.

    I've even been playing one family with twin newborns, although I'm really looking forward to them growing up. I hope I don't find the Infants as frustrating as you have.

  • ArilyBoo's avatar
    Rising Rookie

    Another thing I forgot to add. Whenever I save and reload the game, the infant is no longer in the crib but on the floor next to the crib. Also whenever I visit another lot and I don't take the infant along, when I come back the infant is literally on the edge of the walkable area laying in the middle of the street.

    • Sketch793's avatar
      New Vanguard

      I've noticed that Sims always get kicked out of beds and chairs when I reload. Infants getting kicked out of their cribs is probably just the same thing. The difference is that older Sims can and will get back into bed or sit back down on their own. The Infants probably need help. It would be nice if it didn't happen, but that would probably take a major change to the Save system, which would be likely to break other things that would be even more annoying. 

      • ArilyBoo's avatar
        Rising Rookie

        What stinks about the infants not being able to go back to bed is it then glitches out the crib. I literally have to turn on testingcheats and reset the object.

    • ArilyBoo's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      So I did get back into the game and try to investigate what the issue was and even though the infant is green on every need except red energy the infant is calling the parent into the room. I have to keep cancelling it a million times because if I don't she literally takes the infant out the crib and either puts them directly on the the floor or in the floor mat. No matter what I cannot keep the infant in the crib and it will not go to sleep at all.

  • Yep. The pick up/put down thing for infants is kinda ridiculous. Just today I directed my sim, who was holding his daughter next to the changing table, to change her diaper on the changing table. He had to walk across the house, put her down on her playmat, pick her up from her playmat, and walk back across the house before he could change her diaper.

    Some of these issues have bug reports over on that you can add your info to. Infants are still relatively new so many glitches have yet to be worked out.


    • ArilyBoo's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      This too! I almost despise the floor mat because constantly they are trying to put the infants in that thing instead of just doing what I tell them to do!

      I could just let the adult Sim take care of the baby on their own, but honestly what parent is going to remove their infant from the crib and have them sleep on the floor when their energy is at zero!? Sooooo annoying! 

  • So sorry to hear this is happening to you! Bienchen has a mod to reduce how often parents check on the infant. That may be what's happening.

    I've also found it helpful not to direct the parent to take care of the infant, but have the infant ask to be put to bed by whichever Sim you choose. For me this helped a great deal.