Forum Discussion

last-haven7's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 days ago

Reaper Rewards: plant flowers tasks not completing--SOLVED

What do we do if the quest task won't clear? I've completed all my goals except for the "Plant Lily" and "Plant Snapdragon" ones, which won't go away--do we have to get them to flower and then pick them before they'll be marked as completed?

I have removed my mods and cleared my cache files, so it doesn't seem to be a mod problem.


I got this to work after I went into Steam and verified my files twice--once to see that over 40 had failed and the second time fixed it. So, if you have this problem and are using Steam, try this.

edited title for visibility.  -puzzlezaddict

  • Wndblwz's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie

    Report your experiences on the bugs reports forum. There is a lengthy thread of "Me too's" and EA is aware.

  • chellez01's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I am using Ea app and it's happening to me .. no luck 😪 

  • ceeplays's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    I'm having the same issue! Quest tasks aren't clearing and I've also removed mods, cleared cache, repaired game, etc. No luck!!!

  • tiffermore's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Removed all my mods and still having the issue to get completed tasks to clear. Also, nothing happens when I click "Go to event UI" in the notifications panel. Can't claim awards and can't complete any of the tasks 😬

    • BohoN3rdPDX's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      this is what's happening to me, too. My flowers won't register as being planted. The UI won't open so I can't claim anything. I am using steam. 

    • Megami195's avatar
      Rising Newcomer

      Same issue. Lily and snapdragon planting not clearing and nothing happens when I click 'go to event UI'

  • Pgray24's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I am having a different issue. I have completed them all except “Ask the Spirits about Ambrosia” on the A Call Away challenge, I don’t have that option when I click on the seance table.

    • O1BabyBluEyes's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      I am stuck on that also. I will let everyone know if I figure it out👍

  • Pgray24's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I have completed them all except for “Ask the Spirits about Ambrosia” in the A Call Away challenge. I do not have that option on my seance table

  • Sunrainsea's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I am having the same problem, but in the EA App. I took out my mods, restarted the app, replanted for the fourth time a snapdragon and lily and the tasks are not being completed. 

    Editing to add: Repaired my game, cleared EA app cache, ran the game without mods again and I can't open the rewards UI, and the Snapdragon and Lily not being recognized as planted is also still happening. 

  • OmaSimster's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I'm having the same problem, have tried all the usual fixes, nothing works and after the first thing I tried, restarting the game, all the tasks are blank. I also completed several tasks that I didn't get a reward for.

    • SimpleSaro's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      . My flowers won't register as being planted. After that i don‘t get any more tasks. What can I do to fix this?

    • last-haven7's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Psst, if you're using steam, trying verifying your files. After I deleted my caches again, I verified them twice and then it worked.

      • cherryangel's avatar
        Rising Newcomer

        how do u verify files?? also if i do that can i just reopen my game?