3 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Weight adjuster
I can’t seem to find the two sliding bars that pop up when you can change how fit your sim is and their weight. What do I do to get those bars to pop up?
I can’t seem to find the two sliding bars that pop up when you can change how fit your sim is and their weight. What do I do to get those bars to pop up?
I'm guessing this is a Sim you want to edit and not one you are currently creating? If that is so, you cannot edit a Sim just by going into CAS. Before going into CAS, you need to type "cas.fulleditmode" in the cheat box and then go into CAS. Oh, if you don't know how to use the cheat box, type in Control + Shift + C. That will open it. Then type in "Testingcheats on" and hit enter. It will confirm cheats are on. Proceed then with "cas.fulleditmode", hit enter and then go into CAS.
If you have already done all of this, I have no idea.
Yes, you need to turn on cas.fulleditmode, as posted above. Also, type in testingcheats true, first, it enter, and then type in the edit code.