As correct names are required on the Quality Control build challenge entry forms I have slowly been working on a correct and fully informative maps for each of the towns so that correct names can be found. They also include lot sizes and also the names of any familys/sims that reside in them from the default new game.
I know there is others out there but found a few errors so I wanted to make sure correct names were always used on the competition entry forms. Hope this is helpful to anyone else out there needing original lot names.
Thank you so much!!!! <3 I'm happy to find you because as a builder, I like to know the name's lot every time I come back to a world and want to know the original lots name! Awesome! Thanks a lot!!! :)
I don't know if anyone else is like me and has thread bookmarked because of how often they use it as well as anticipating updates for the worlds which are missing. Short term, I've made a poor-man's attempt at making similar maps for the 4 worlds that Cbear13 hasn't done (yet) and will share them here for anyone else interested. If and when @Cbear13 returns and does them I will remove this post.
I apologize ahead of time as what I've done is not as good as @Cbear13's work, but I did my best to at least get the same functionality for what I use them for.
Thanks so much for the update! Are you planning on doing Britechester as well? No rush, just curious. Thanks again for these, I use them to plan out all of my worlds as I'm slowly building up a save file and they are a life saver.