Forum Discussion

Lisameesims's avatar
11 years ago

Accents i would love for our new Sims-4 sims...will we ever have them??

The abilty to make ethnic sims is very much improved for the Sims-4. But their voices are still going to be the basic with no accents?

I would love to hear "accents" in our Sims voices! Will we ever get them? Maybe a mod could be possible?

British Accents
Australian Accents
New York
Russian Accent
French Accents
American Southern Accent
New Zealand Accent
Irish Accents
Spanish Accents
South African
Korean Accent


  • Lisameesims wrote:
    The abilty to make ethnic sims is very much improved for the Sims-4. But their voices are still going to be the basic with no accents?

    I would love to hear "accents" in our Sims voices! Will we ever get them? Maybe a mod could be possible?

    British Accents
    Australian Accents
    New York
    Russian Accent
    French Accents
    American Southern Accent
    New Zealand Accent
    Irish Accents
    Spanish Accents
    South African
    Korean Accent



    No, because the games are too politically correct these days. TS1 had them and weren't afraid to use them. :P Do you remember in the SS EP when the Asian twins ran that soup kiosk or sushi kiosk? they were speaking with an accent. I often heard an Aussie accent, too. I still love TS1 because it was back in the day "Challenge Everything" and hilarious to a point.
  • smoogie wrote:
    My Sims speak Simlish but when my 'Sim Spiritual Guide' translate back to me I hear it in my own language (British English) and in my own Accent

    In TS1 Sims of some ethnic backgrounds spoke with accents. Such as I pointed out the Asian twins that were at one of the kiosk in the SS EP spoke with an accent, like they were speaking Chinese, Korean, or Japanese. I'm not sure which ethnic group they were supposed to be. It was all in Simlish but in a different accent than my own English accent.

    TS1 made fun of everyone, they didn't care. Today The Sims would be blasted for being funny. You know like how on SNL they poke fun of the Asian guy saying things like 'You buy something now!' when someone goes into his store...(very old skits) or when they used to make fun of Handicap man, etc. TS1 did the same thing in a lot of ways, and so did TS2. They made really ugly Sims and then put an ethnic name on the Sim. I think a lot of people must have missed their satire.
  • It bugged me a lot at the beginning that all the accents sound so American, I don't notice it as much any more though.

    I would like an English accent, but if we got new voices, I'd rather them concentrate on personality rather than location. Like a 'shy' voice, or a sharp toned voice. But I'm not too bothered the voices as they are.
  • I would rather have simlish accents to be honest with you otherwise you are gonna get players huffing like 'Where is my accent?'
  • I would love if they added accents into the game. And if this does cause controversy, then maybe they can add "made up" accents in their own simlish language. Just a thought lol, not saying it's actually gonna happen though. Accents would be great though, I sort of have one in real life.
  • Hey man thats an awesome idea! If anyone is willing to make the mod i can get voice actors
  • Please try to avoid posting in threads that haven't been active for a long time! I'm closing this discussion - feel free to talk about accents for your Sims in a new discussion if you'd like though! :smiley: