Forum Discussion

The-Muzickmage's avatar
4 years ago

Career Skills (A tad bit disappointed)

I'm not going to say that this is a major pet peeve, because I have, for the most part, learned to ignore it. But every once in a while, like today for example, I just have to take a few minutes to rant about it, then I can move on again lol.

I find it a tad tiny bit annoying that (for example) A sim doing nothing with their sim life except maybe collect sea shells, and a little bit of fishing in between naps, can achieve the same level of cooking as a sims in a level 10 chef career with an honor diploma in Culinary Arts.

I agree that the chef will make more money with the cooking skill (and work schedule) than the lazy simmer sleeping all day from one fish to another.... but, on the topic of skills... it doesn't seem like a fair deal.

NOTE: This example is only for the purpose of suggesting that I wish there was some differentation from one sim skill set to another. Please don't read or adopt this example as something I absolutely wish would come to be implemented in the game. Another example that could be used is a perk system for University Grads.

IMO, (and i'm just thinking out loud here because i'm a crazy person)

..... Sims should only be able to reach level 5 of any skill unless they are in a career.

..... A sim in a career should be able to achieve level 10 of their career skills.

..... A sim with a degree should be able to achieve level 12.

..... A sim with a distinguished degree should be able to achieve level 15.

The professionally trained sim doesn't have any perks over the un-trained sim despite going through all that work to earn a degree and build a career. Well, the Chef gets to unlock a new appliance ... so yea... there's that.

I wish it was different.

Ok, there I said it. The rant is over. I can move on now. lol.