4 years ago
CAS discussion: How to make better:
A button to stop the animations in CAS. i.e. Vampires, Spellcasters, Mermaids etc... I know you can type in casclockspeed 0, but I think a one button push in CAS would be helpful. Spellcaster Children doing this animation in CAS is confusing since they cannot use magic yet. For this same reason the children of spellcasters and vampires always being born with glowing eyes, is sort of upsetting to me since, as I mentioned they cannot use their powers until they are teenagers. Also, in an unrelated topic: Why oh why does the game produce NPC's to infinity? I make my own townies and put them in a fresh game save before I start but the game keeps producing NPC's that are not needed and the game will not use my created homeless townies or assign jobs to them it makes new NPC townies! Which I have to stop playing and go delete the new townies VERY tedious. 99% of the time EA produced new townies have the Klepto Trait, Evil Trait, and Hates Children. One more thing: Why should any builders out there have to stop and enter a 'cheat' to build on the GTW lots and other NPC homes lots? If an NPC has a infant, the cradles that appear very often block the sides of the bed so the npc's cannot sleep. Lastly, Thanks for listening! The Sims 4 is the only game I play and I always look forward to new packs and hopefully new changes that makes things easier on the player to make S4 more real and satisfying.