I would say that I like it how it currently is. As a player, I can opt to pay attention to the system or not depending on how I want to play things out. I usually do utilize this system and I tend to just look for a minimum of good compatibility. I've noticed that it can actually change as a relationship progresses and by the time they marry, most of them end up with amazing chemistry with a spouse. Awesome.
I don't mind referring to the relationship panel. I play with a lot of sims so I end up checking that regularly. With rotational play, I'm still adding or adjusting likes or dislikes for a lot of characters but any time I play a new household or one that I haven't played since way before the update, I go into that panel and edit or add some likes and dislikes. Sometimes if I know who I want to match them with, I deliberately make two sims compatible. I have played a couple with bad chemistry who keep dating each other and it was pretty funny. They met on a trip and while they are so different, they keep getting together and now they live together. It's different than the usual smooth sailing.
Since they expanded the amount of likes or dislikes, I honestly add nearly 50 per sim so they are all very different but I leave some blank to allow for gameplay. At other times, I honestly just start playing and let them add likes or dislikes as they go along.
Good chemistry and up is fine for most relationships but I will probably have some that are different as well. One thing I will say I noticed is that when I add music, if they do not like the same music then I really notice that they don't enjoy dancing together. One is happy and the other is miserable. I would say that I try to give them at least one shared genre of music now that they both like. Also, I usually make sure to include some dislikes along with likes for most sims so that they are a bit more complicated. If they don't like the music then they don't have a good time at restaurants and bars that play it so they want to go to different places from other sims. It's more varied than before.