I'm playing the legacy challenge. My Sim, Phoenix, married Gabriel, a Sim who 'hates children'. I didn't know he hated children until they got married and moved him in. They had their 1st born, Gabriella (who is my heir) & a set of triplets...Luca, Lux, & Kai shortly thereafter. Gabriel, does not have any patience with any of his kids. He's always tense...he autonomously swears in front of them. Actually, he doesn't really deal with them at all. But when he does get involved, it's usually never good....as he is very strict, a no-nonsense kind of parent. I have Phoenix, being a very gentle, nurturer and when the kids were toddlers, I always used the calm interaction. The triplets are now kids...and so far they're all turning out pretty good, thanks to Phoenix. But Gabriella, who is now a teen...is like her dad. She is always in a mood swing, very tense all the time. & a lot of her character values are in the red. I did a random roll for her traits and she is gloomy, and hot headed. Really isn't what I had planned for the heir of my legacy to have jacked up character values, but it definitely makes for an interesting story line.
Unfortunately, Phoenix didn't really have much time to spend with Gabriella, since she was practically on her own with the triplets. & since Gabriella is out of control, I find Phoenix, being a lot more firm with her. I'm really trying to reverse this dysfunction I got going on with the heir...but like I said, I think she'll be in the red for all the character values. I find Parenthood to be a mixture of interesting and chaotic....pretty cool how things can turn out. You can plan for perfect kids, but there could always be that curveball. I'm finding that the traits really do matter for all family members involved.