I do, pretty much always. I put hampers in each bedroom and in any bathroom that is large enough to have them. I actually use a mod so that slobs and teens (and younger) do not automatically put clothes in the hamper so that I get piles despite having enough hampers.
The maid usually collects all the piles of clothes though and I pretty much get a maid for every household too, so piles of laundry aren't ever an issue. I do lock the door to keep the maid away from the washer/dryer though, because my game glitches and she causes them to stop functioning if I let her actually do the laundry. For people that don't experience the glitch...the maid will do the laundry for you. Patchy does a nice job of doing the laundry too, for those households that have him in their garden.
Doing the actual laundry is not a big deal. I just have a sim start a load of laundry in the morning right after waking up, before shower/breakfast/etc. I have them throw it in the dryer whenever it is convenient or right before bed if I don't get to it before then. Then I have them empty the dryer the next time they are at the machines starting a new load...so basically just need to make 2 trips to the washer/dryer in any given day. Again, though, i use a mod that makes them start the load of wash when loading it automatically, and same with dryer....it's stupid we have to do the extra clicks for those actions without a mod.
For larger houses, I usually have a dedicated laundry room, which I place in the basement. For smaller houses and apartments, I usually just get the stacking washer/dryer and put it in one of the bathrooms.
How frequently I do all this depends on the household size. For a single sim or two, it will be at most twice a week, for a household of 4 or more sims, I usually make it a daily routine, though I will miss a day now and again.
Honestly, Laundry is one of the things I miss most in any new iteration of the Sims, until it gets added...near the top of my list after seasons/weather and pets. Things don't feel real enough without having the routine of laundry.