"Daephene;c-17777799" wrote:
To be honest, a toggle that turns ALL weather effects off is not the same thing as a toggle for weather related deaths. People who want a toggle to prevent death but not to prevent the uncomfortable moodlet aren't being inconsistent, they are wanting varied difficulty levels.
I am sure people are right that the scared emotion will annoy people if it is actually more intrusive than the tense emotion. Those screaming fits could be really annoying if they happen to sims that you don't think of as cowards. And the game will absolutely make that decision for you- who will have screaming fits versus a less extreme reaction is as random as who will have thassalaphobia(sp?) and who will be upset vs excited about discovering an alien. You will not actually have control over the personality of your sim until you earn the rewards points to change them.
It will in fact be super annoying if some of my vampire sims have the extreme fear reactions, just as it's annoying that the mermaid is afraid of the thunderstorms she calls, or that the sim who grew up in BB by the ocean is now afraid to be in his backyard because when he went to Sulani he developed a fear of the ocean out of nowhere.
To be clear I do not want fear, or phobias, nerfed. I just want a way to actually impact which of my sims will have these reactions, straight out of CAS without having to earn rewards points to change them.
It would just be nice if the personality still had spectrums like in Sims 2 and if they could include things like fears occults vs loves occults and cowardly versus brave up front instead of costing either a trait slot or rewards points to actually create the sim with the personality you want instead of half the decisions being made by the game since you only have three traits to choose.
Anyway, all that said, anyone who uses the haunted lot type and then complains about it should be ignored. People who already have a toggle to avoid exactly what they want to avoid should use it. The fact that some people complain even when there is a toggle is not an argument against toggles. Some people will complain about everything and anything. But fewer will complain when they are given choices than when they are not.
You can give every single sim that you don’t want to have the fear reaction the brave trait from the reward store. So again, an in game toggle.
"MeowchaFrappe;c-17777766" wrote:
toggles may be worthless for some ppl but i think for newer players for example, it's easier to give the direct option through settings rather than make them having to know all these tricks in order to have a gameplay that suits them. and also because i rather get a toggle than get the feature nerfed, so i think a specific & direct toggle about it would more less calm the complaints. this doesn't only apply to occult packs only but rather to all the game. it's either giving options or get it nerfed, ea won't stop listening to them cuz otherwise it would make people stop buying packs & they would lose money. and toggles are not useless, there just aren't enough. there aren't even toggles in regards if we want random townies populating the game, which should be a basic choice. people will complain about anything but toggles would still benefit all the players & devs too.
Using in game items like the garlic for vampires or even the satellite dish for aliens is far more flexible than an overall toggle because it allows customization as to the sims/homes that are susceptible to those occults which is what everyone says they want to “rule”. I will admit aliens kind of snuck in with a pack ostensibly presented as being about careers under the guise I guess as being an accessory to the scientist career. But the pack that introduced vampires was literally titled
Vampires, and the pack introducing celeb was literally titled
Get Famous. I agree with people who were playing non celebrity sims being annoyed with celebrity npc sims clogging up public venues on an all too frequent basis. But to nerf the reaction to celebrities when they are your
played sim, come. on. Really? What’s the blooming point now of getting famous if you can basically walk around unnoticed like any other rando? When again you could opt out of fame, or put a disguise on and avoid it.