"Justin;c-17607139" wrote:
Remember when people kept spamming about toddlers ? Then seasons ? Then university? People don’t understand things take time. I’m pretty sure they are working on it because they are aware that this has been brought up before. It will come out when it’s ready . We just need to be patient
@Justin Okay the University and Seasons thing I kind of understand since they were supposed to be packs. But toddlers? Really? You shouldn't have to wait for that to come out. It should be there from the start. Same goes for babies, cars and skintones, if people have been complaining about it 6 whole years ago (which at least with babies and cars they have) then that was enough time. How does it take such a huge company like EA 6 years to make babies, cars, color wheels etc.? And if it's not coming because they don't want to do it, then they should make a statement.