Forum Discussion

BuzzsawGoH's avatar
4 years ago

MINI Movement

I won't pretend to be closely attached to this sad situation, and others can share more information if they wish.

However, I have been thinking about the name changes which are bring done for solidarity, and I think it would be nice if CG refunded any crystals spent for the name changes. Any accounts who change to add "MINI" at the front could easily be identified. And refunding the crystals would prevent any appearance of profiting from this movement.

And to be even more bold, if not refunding crystals, how about donating the equivalent to St. Jude's Hospital?

I did change my name in game, and don't really expect either. It was done out of my own sense of doing the right thing with no regrets. But I did want to at least put some ideas on the table while I was thinking about them.

Thanks for considering,
  • This community is amazing we have already raised over $1,600. But we want to get the word out we're having the big stream with everybody on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. on RSG's YouTube channel. Until then please spread the word. We have a Google drive where we are gathering all of the name change screenshots. All we want to do is help honor this kid who is unfortunately losing a battle that he shouldn't have to fight. So help us out but changing your name donating what you can and maybe if we can blow this up big enough and get him immortalized somewhere within the Star Wars universe.
  • This needs boosting! I just had the same thought Buzzsaw. Either make the change free so more people can put MINI in front of their in game name or donate the value of the crystals for those changing it to "MINI' to the tiltify for St. Jude's

    here is the tiltify:

    You have the power CG. be on the side of the light on this one!
  • Well, sorry for having to be the rationalist here, but something like that is not going to happen. Simple reason: general game/publisher politics. They'll only participate in something that includes donating/raising/refraining from money, if it's officially supported by EA at first. Otherwise, if they just did it randomly when something comes up, next time people would all the more demand it, using the argument "but you did it last time". Which would bring the devs into a situation noone really wants to be.
  • I appreciate where you’re coming from. But agree to disagree. I’m not into the fallacy of thinking that equal is fair.