Forum Discussion
NPC Making List
These are listed by pack. Each pack will also have two sub-replies: for service sims (those that appear when hired or to fill a role) and for background sims (those mostly non-important sims to liven the air).
I will also include a list of NPC roles within the links too. If you'd like to find them, for now, I'd suggest Control+F as I don't know how to link them for now.
- Base Game
- Expansion Packs:
- Game Packs:
- Stuff Packs:
- EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
- EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
These sims can be found in the high school lot, usually sitting behind the principal's desk, sometimes roaming around during lessons (giving detention to those skipping it). Teens have special interactions with them, including dropping out and graduating early. Will give diplomas in graduations and present in proms.
✅️ trait_Hidden_HighSchool_NPC_Principle
✅️ Young adult or older
❌️ Ghost
❌️ Eco MasterYou need to use these cheats on these sims:
traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_HighSchool_NPC_Principle
They do not need any special career. The trait won't be removed when the sim is played.
There are no special templates for these sims. - EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
Class 1 Teacher
These sims can be found in the high school lot, giving lessons to Class 1. Will be a chaperone in proms. Will be a judge in high school festivals. Will attend graduations.
✅️ trait_Hidden_HighSchool_NPC_Teacher1
✅️ Young adult or older
❌️ Ghost
❌️ Eco MasterYou need to use these cheats on these sims:
traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_HighSchool_NPC_Teacher1
They do not need any special career. The trait won't be removed when the sim is played.
There are no special templates for these sims. - EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
Class 2 Teacher
These sims can be found in the high school lot, giving lessons to Class 2. Will give optional exam prep class. Will attend graduations. Does not conflict with the trait needed for the previous role (allowing them to sometimes give lessons to Class 1, be a judge, and be a chaperone).
✅️ trait_Hidden_HighSchool_NPC_Teacher2
✅️ Young adult or older
❌️ Ghost
❌️ Eco MasterYou need to use these cheats on these sims:
traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_HighSchool_NPC_Teacher2
They do not need any special career. The trait won't be removed when the sim is played.
There are no special templates for these sims.
- EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
- EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
Appears in the High School lot during school hours.
✅️ career_Teen_HighSchool
✅️ trait_HighSchool_Active_Class1Student
❌️ Ghost
❌️ In the current householdYou need to use this cheat:
traits.equip_trait trait_HighSchool_Active_Class1Student
This trait should be applied to any teen that participates in an active high school day. Playing with the sim won't remove this trait.
Despite the trait name, the teen can appear as Class 2 student as well when not in the active household.Template:
The game prefers equipping this trait to existing teens in game.
There are no special templates for these sims. - EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
Mean Student
Appears in the High School lot during school hours. Most likely to be mean to others.
✅️ career_Teen_HighSchool
✅️ trait_HighSchool_Active_Class1Student
✅️ Mean
❌️ Ghost
❌️ In the current householdYou need to use this cheat:
traits.equip_trait trait_HighSchool_Active_Class1Student
This trait should be applied to any teen that participates in an active high school day. Playing with the sim won't remove this trait.
Despite the trait name, the teen can appear as Class 2 student as well when not in the active household.If the sim doesn't have enough trait slots (2), remove one trait (check codenames here) and add Mean trait instead:
traits.remove_trait [trait_codename] traits.equip_trait trait_Mean
The game prefers equipping this trait to existing teens in game.
There are no special templates for these sims. - EgonVM7 months agoSeasoned Ace
After-School Team Student
Due to all After-School Team Students (Chess, Computer, Cheer, Football) sharing a same filter, I will consolidate them all here. Whenever a teen from an after-school activity (High School festival, school day etc) is required, this filter is used.
✅️ career_Teen_HighSchool
✅️ trait_HighSchool_Active_Class1Student
❕ They need one of these careers:- ✅️ careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam
- ✅️ careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_FootballTeam
- ✅️ careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ComputerTeam
- ✅️ careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ChessTeam
❌️ Ghost
❌️ In the current householdWhile you can have a teen join one of these careers through gameplay (provided they're still in high school), you can use these cheats:
careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_FootballTeam careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ComputerTeam careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ChessTeam
The game prefers to use existing teens.
There are no special templates for these sims.
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