Forum Discussion

hmae123's avatar
7 years ago

Enraged bees

Anyone know how to calm the little guys down? My sim had already developed friendship with them and all was well and then all the sudden they were enraged one day. She goes anywhere near the bee box and they attack her. What can she do to calm them down? It it cause the weathers getting cooler? It’s fall now in my game.
  • "kalaksed;c-16560358" wrote:
    there seem to be multiple reasons for bees to get irate and enraged, here are a few that i've found:

    goofball and sims in the playful moodlet will decide 'i'mma go mess with these bees' and pick the disturb interaction on their own. they get stung, get upset and run away, then a few minutes later, go do it again...

    bees can get mites, they seem to go up an irritation level while they have mites. you can 'treat for mites' on an apiary for $15 and that'll fix them

    weather does also seem to affect them to a degree. my apiaries were only indoors, so i don't know details, but mine sometimes got disturbed by thunderstorms

    as for calming them down, 'bond with the bees' that works properly drops them one irritation level, and if the sim gets high enough skill in flower arranging (4 or 5), they can scent arrangements with crocus, which gives the arrangement the 'bee-friending' scent. placed near an apiary, it will keep the bees in a calm state, no matter what, until it wilts

    awesome thanks for the tips! I did try the mite treatment and it brought them down to an irritated state, my sim loves flower arranging so once I get her to that level I'll try that for sure!
  • The thing that clams my sim's bees right down is they love the classical music station. My bees are inside a greenhouse, so I don't have to worry about the stereo (wall mounted version) breaking in the rain.
  • "kalaksed;c-16560358" wrote:
    there seem to be multiple reasons for bees to get irate and enraged, here are a few that i've found:

    goofball and sims in the playful moodlet will decide 'i'mma go mess with these bees' and pick the disturb interaction on their own. they get stung, get upset and run away, then a few minutes later, go do it again...

    bees can get mites, they seem to go up an irritation level while they have mites. you can 'treat for mites' on an apiary for $15 and that'll fix them

    weather does also seem to affect them to a degree. my apiaries were only indoors, so i don't know details, but mine sometimes got disturbed by thunderstorms

    as for calming them down, 'bond with the bees' that works properly drops them one irritation level, and if the sim gets high enough skill in flower arranging (4 or 5), they can scent arrangements with crocus, which gives the arrangement the 'bee-friending' scent. placed near an apiary, it will keep the bees in a calm state, no matter what, until it wilts

    My sim ended up with a 'bee-friending' arrangement and I thought it would do something for bees, but I didn't know how it worked.
  • I resorted to locking the doors on all greenhouses to stop random Sims from bothering the bees. Only my top-level gardeners are allowed to go into the greenhouses. And don't try to calm the bees if your Sim's fun level is not green. It doesn't need to be maxed out, just not low. I have had better success with calming and bonding if my Sims are happy and their motives are high. A fun thing to note is the fact you can see the mites jumping around on the floor at the base of the aviaries. Once the mite treatment is applied the mites on the ground and on the bee box disappear. During the winter the bees do hibernate and don't seem to get enraged as often so they are much easier to bond with. However, that doesn't mean my Sims don't get their fair share of bee stings. Befriending bees is a long process.
  • Jaline33's avatar
    New Spectator
    "LaBlue0314;c-16560680" wrote:
    The thing that clams my sim's bees right down is they love the classical music station. My bees are inside a greenhouse, so I don't have to worry about the stereo (wall mounted version) breaking in the rain.

    I tried this in one of my households but it didn't work for me. I left the music playing (on the Classical channel) for two Sim days but they were still totally angry. I finally put them in household inventory, my Sim created an "Excellent" arrangement, and then I used the "Scent With" Crocus. I set this bouquet next to where the bee box would sit, put the bee box back in place, and after about 1 - 2 Sim hours, the bees finally calmed down.
  • When they have mites, it appears as an option when you click on their box.