Forum Discussion

Schmoloop's avatar
5 years ago

Everyday, Hot, and Cold Weather Clothes

Ever since I got the Seasons pack, my sims never wear their everyday wear, they either wear the hot weather or the cold weather outfit. Does everyday wear not have a use anymore or do my sims just not wear their everyday wear?
  • "bixters;c-17579098" wrote:
    I wish there was a way to automatically turn on the thermostat when you enter a public building. I hate having to turn on the heat/ cold every time my sim goes out to a restaurant/ bar/ club. Otherwise everyone is dancing in their winter coats, and it looks quite silly.
  • The changing into winter clothes outside and then coming back inside to a warm house with hat coat and gloves on is really annoying. I am playing on PS4 so no mods for me to correct the issue ☹️
  • "MrSimGamer112;c-17949516" wrote:
    The changing into winter clothes outside and then coming back inside to a warm house with hat coat and gloves on is really annoying. I am playing on PS4 so no mods for me to correct the issue ☹️

    I never give my sims gloves because they ones in game are ugly. I also rarely give them winter hats because I don't like how they sit on top of the head. I also don't give them boots because they tend to make sim's feet tiny and bulky legs. I also rarely give them winter coats because the winter coats in game usually have bare belly shirts underneath them and an unbuttoned coat is inappropriate attire for cold weather. Do you see a pattern yet? :lol: I prefer to give my sims sweaters for cold weather attire, with no gloves and no bulky looking boots. I also have a no shoes on policy inside the houses for good measure. Because of this my sims never look inappropriately dressed inside the house.
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    For most of my sims I usually create the same clothing from the everyday to athletic to hot & cold weather depending on the style. And just add accessories when needed.
  • "bixters;c-17579098" wrote:
    I wish there was a way to automatically turn on the thermostat when you enter a public building. I hate having to turn on the heat/ cold every time my sim goes out to a restaurant/ bar/ club. Otherwise everyone is dancing in their winter coats, and it looks quite silly.

    This is friggie irritating. I went back and played a household, (my very first actually) and couldn't find the thermostat. Ended making another one by the front door since everyone was overheating because the thermostat was at "warm" and it was sweltering outside. Turned it down to friggie zibs cold and everyone was happy now.

    Ironically I found the original thermostat later, it was quite close to the front door where I put the new one. :D :D :p