7 years ago
Friday Highlight 03/30 - A week on the Sims forums
Welcome to the very first weekly Friday Highlight thread.
In these threads we will give you a small overview what happened on the forums in the last week and share with you some awesome threads we have come across and think you will enjoy as well.
PS! If you find a great thread on the forum and think it could be included here, please don't hesitate to send me a message or reply below.
Without further ado here is ... Friday Highlight - March 30th 2018
- What's a The Sims Forum highlight thread without paying tribute to the "What happened in your game today" threads - both the Sims 3 version and the Sims 4 one! Checking these threads out has become a daily habit.
- Throw in a peek at the "25 Day Male Create-A-Sim Challenge" by @MDianaSanders , @flowerkitten67 set up a "Bad Simming Behaviors! Why not jump in and share yours!
On The Sims Mobile front things are only just getting started, but we already have a wonderful tips thread from @geekgirl101 .
That is it from me for this week!
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