The last three nights I've played in my Vanilla save (the save I play while waiting for mods to update, and only when I have no mods installed), where both parents have the goofball trait.
Yes, there were a lot of pranked toilets and mischief socials, though not so much the buzzers or the airhorns.
But those same sims would go play dolls with their kids, same as always. They would get stuck with the cooking bug (fortunately mom has finished the Chef aspiration). The dad would go and talk to the plants in the garden. They'd chat or play video games as often as they'd troll teh forums. They'd watch TV - and not just comedy. Mom watched a lot of cooking shows. And most of that was autonomous because I was focusing on the Crafty Teenager.
So my experience hasn't had the goofball trait taking over my gameplay. The broken toilets are annoying, and I was seriously considering having the Teenager take a trip to Glimmerbrook just to become a spellcaster and learn Scruberoo and Repario at one point, but overall I found the weight of the autonomous actions to be about right.