"FlamingoKicker1;d-943423" wrote:
Maybe they didn't mention Halloween cause they already released stuff earlier (much, much earlier) for that particular holiday?). I need to go back and look in my game cause I'm kind of remembering there being Halloween themed stuff in some pack or expansion or something already like wasn't there a candy bowl that a hand pops out of and you can make zombie cake and cheese eyeballs and like that? So no need to put special Halloween items in this one? Just go buy those other packs...$$$
You're talking about the Spooky Stuff Pack. Its a nice little stuff pack that gave you some food additions along with the pumpkin carving station, decorations, and costumes.
But if you're looking to celebrate Halloween in the game you can actually custom create the holiday utilizing the "add holiday" function in the calendar. I made mine and set it in autumn. In it there are traditions that vibe with Halloween - for example, my traditions I set for it were Decorate, Wear Costumes, Spooky Spirit, and Trick or Treat. You don't necessarily need to have the Spooky Stuff Pack to do any of those traditions or to decorate for Halloween (there is a 'spooky' theme decoration as well), but having the pack does bolster the overall aesthetic if you're choosing to create that holiday and celebrate it with your sims.
I had a little costume party and had eyeball foods and stuff set out.