Forum Discussion

Tomsde's avatar
7 years ago

How Can I Stop The Anger/Jealousy Moodlet

I've had recurrent problems when my Sim couples go out to social events, since they have autonomy I can't stop them from flirting with other Sims sometimes--then the other Sim gets the Angry moodlet from "Flirty Spouse". Is there any antidote to this? The "Make Happy" cheat doesn't get rid of it. It is a real problem as it last for 24 hours usually. In the Sims 3 you could buy the no-jealousy trait--but not here. The only way you can get that if is your Sim is a serial romantic and has achieved "Player" status. As far as I can tell, however, there is no way to stop this interaction. It ruins a lot of social events for me. Anyone has a suggestion. I mean I've tried having them drinking the calming tea and that doesn't seem to help either. I just can't stop all the possible flirtatious interactions. It's annoying. I don't want to give my Sims the "Unflirty" trait either--because that's a problem too. They should at least have a potion you an buy to stop it. Or maybe they should have a "a buy flowers and candy" option on the phone to make up--followed by "make up WooHoo".

Anger can also be a problem with neighbors too, and doesn't seem to help anything.

To the people who say that jealousy is more realistic, I say this is a fantasy game--in real life men can't get pregnant and vampires don't stalk people at night. So if there is no solution I make an appeal to the developers to please provide some antidote for anger in an upcoming patch. I mean, in my real life, I don't think a little flirting by my significant other is anything to get angry about. Perhaps they should instead add a monogamy trait that would prevent autonomous Sims from responding to flirtations form other Sims.
  • The jealousy trait in Sims 4 is more like an extremely insecure trait - they even get upset if their SO talks to their own child! In the scenario you stated - it should kick in then if a SO flirting - that makes sense. Flirty sims will flirt with anyone unfortunately so that is usually where the problem starts - I can usually get a flirty sim out of that mood by telling a lot of jokes and changing it to a playful mood. Jealous sims get tense all the time - baths and calm down in a mirror are a couple things that help for tense moodlets but it does not last long for a jealous sim - the minute their SO talks to anyone - it is right back and they also get the tense moodlet from not being around the SO even when they are right next to them sometimes! It is actually quite funny to me at an outing where there are a lot of sims because the jealous sim keeps badgering the SO every time the SO so much as says Hello to anyone! It does get annoying though and cancels out other interactions. It definitely needs a lot of tuning!

    Anger is somewhat similar but not as bad to me - hot headed sims just randomly will get an angry moodlet - does not have to be anything that triggers it. I think all sims get angry if they see their SO flirt - that to me is normal. There are more ways to get rid of anger though- jogging, calm self down in mirror, work out, write in a journal, blog about feelings on the computer, etc. Another sim can also try to calm down an angry sim though it does not always work. Sometimes the apologize interaction will come up depending on what happened and that can help calm things sometimes. There actually is a make up in bed option if one sim has been mean to their SO and the angry sim can also do frenzied kiss and I think sarcastic flirt or something like that. I also just use distraction if I think an angry sim is going to destroy a relationship that I don't want destroyed - will have the angry sim go do something else and get away from the other sim.

    You can also use environmental things that you can enable emotions on to override the moodlets - there are those plumbob lights and other thing in buy mode and there are paintings. When I see things going south that I don't want to - or if I just want to manipulate moods - I just jump into buy mode and get the plumbob lights.
  • I don't have an answer really on how to stop the moodlet, or even if it should be stopped... because as you indicated some simmers want that sort of drama in their game but I do agree that it would be nice if we could have some sort of trait that would decrease the likelihood of problems like this happening between couples that simmers want to be devoted to one another. Some trait that stabilizes their relationship maybe.
    I like to play in many ways with the emotions but when my sims are ready to settle down I don't really like that this will happen to them either. It would be nice to take them to the Romance Festival and not see their relationship take a hit or ruin that night out because some guy in a funny hat decides to flirt with both of them.
    Right now I'm playing with no mods but usually I have something in my game that allows for no jealousy... and you could always cheat in the players trait (that's advise I won't take myself by the way.. it's like against my personal gamers code lol)
    Mostly though if I haven't worked to get my couples that trait before they get together... then I have to micromanage their outings or if they have clubs I put those behaviors up as banned activities... so in their garden clubs you won't have flirty sims ect... Putting other traits in outing areas can also help... like if you give the gym the bracing breezes trait... it's more likely sims that are there would be energized as opposed to flirty.
  • Can you cheat the "Player" trait if you're not a serial romantic? I thought you had to have the Serial Romantic aspiration in order for that cheat to work.