Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 days ago

How many Turn-on/offs works best?

I assume we can give each sim a high number of turn-ons and turn-offs, unless we already spent all those slots ion likes/dislikes etc. But, you who played a while with turn ons/offs, how many do you end up with?

I assume that adding too many will make it very hard to find a match, but I might be wrong. Adding just one of each might be too few? With likes/dislikes I allow each sim only 3 activity (pos or neg), 2 sim charactertistic and 2 conversation topics.

With turn ons/offs I might allow for only 1 in each of the 6 categories. Not sure yet. Would be nice knowing bit about the balance before going through the work of adding this to 300-400 individs :)

How about you?

  • EmmaVane's avatar
    Rising Hotshot

    You can have up to 50 of each (Prefs & TOTOs), not 50 altogether.

    Likes/Dislikes on can be gained through gameplay (Hobbies, Music, Characteristics and Conversation can anyway), so I like to give/randomise a few (1-3 in each category) and leave space for character development via gameplay. I play Mixed Music station to develop music taste in game rather than adding in CAS unless it's a big part of their character (such as a clubber loving DJ Music).

    TOTOs can only be added to played sims manually. You could do this all at once, or add to to them/remove them as you play. With only a few you will have Neutral attraction to most sims, and Good/Bad with a few, so the dating pool will be wide.

    I would start out with "dealbreaker" TOTOs that your sim needs in their partner. Some starting TOTOs would be things like working hours (Freelancer vs. Workaholic etc) or skills that compliment traits/prefs (a Foodie that Dislikes Cooking really wants a partner who cooks).  As you date various sims you can add Turn-Ons that you liked about that sim (they were Funny!) and Turn-Offs that you didn't (the last 2 dates went horribly, and they were both Cerebral sims). This mirrors how we figure out what we want IRL. More TOTOs will narrow the field, but you can always reassess if you go too far and remove an ick/boon from your list if you decide you can live with(out) it.

    Also remember that sims' skills increase with time and traits can be gained and swapped out, so partners may lose/gain Attraction to your sim as you live your lives and grow together/apart, the same way platonic Compatibility can also change as traits are revealed.

    • crocobaura's avatar
      Seasoned Ace
      EmmaVane wrote:

      With only a few you will have Neutral attraction to most sims, and Good/Bad with a few, so the dating pool will be wide.

      Is it attraction if it's neutral? I imagine for dating they would have to have positive attraction, because Neutral is really no attraction. Bad attraction is basically turn offs.

      • EmmaVane's avatar
        Rising Hotshot

        I think Neutral is the equivalent of BG attraction and difficulty, with (Very) Unattracted being (much) harder and (Very) Attracted being (much) easier to romance sims.

  • I've found out if you give them turn ons and turn offs but no likes or dislikes with them their not attracted to anyone.

  • justinb113's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard

    I forget how many I put, I think it was one good and bad of each and don’t find it too intrusive.

    But i would say you need to be careful with the conversation ones.  When you say turned off by flirting etc, any flirt interaction goes negatively.  I’ve had sims lose chemistry very quickly by gift giving etc, and so you really need to watch what interactions you use if you pick those as turnoffs.  

  • I usually have more turn ons then turn-offs.

    I try to let my sims come up with their own turn offs.

    With matchmaking I'll add turn offs and turn ons that are directed towards the sims I'm trying to set up.