Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

How traditional are your female sims?

Happy International Women's Day!

Want to contribute to a not-so-serious survey?

My guess is that in most sim families the mom has higher cooking skills than dad. Not because the game requires it, but because you more often send your female to the kitchen. Let's find out if this is reality! :)

In your game please check 5 households that you played actively for minimum a sim week. Elderly couples might be the better, but no restriction.

The criteria is:

- Household must be in Willow Creek or Oasis Spring (If you don't play these worlds look elsewhere, but pls state what world you checked).
- Household must contain a formally established male/female couple (married or not, kids or not).
- Household shall not have a butler or any sort of live-in servants.
- Neither the Female nor Male can have a Food related aspiration.
- Check Cooking skills of Female and Male.
- You get 1 point for each couple where the Male has higher cooking skills than the Female.

What's your score?
Any comment on your result?
  • I really do ot care which of my Sims does the household chores like cooking and taking care of the children as long as they cook for the whole family. The first one up in the morning make breakfirst, the first Sim home from work makes dinner. Only the very rich in my game like the Landgraabs have a butler, but that is a question of status not practicallity
  • I'm actually far more likely to send my males to cook... But 0 points cuz I cheat all their cooking skills to LVL 10 asap so they are all on par LOL
  • Because I have so few female-male couples, I included two households with a sister and brother living together as adults, just out of curiosity. All the rest of my actively played households are gay male couples, sims who just happen to live together (mostly men), or single dads. All of these pairs are young adults, because that's mainly what I play (with aging turned off).

    The couples
    Beaufort-Morris, married, Brindleton Bay: Female at 2, male at 4 (plus baking)
    Winter, married, Oasis Springs: Both female and male at 10

    The siblings
    Squires, twins, Strangerville: Female at 3, male at 7 (plus baking and gourmet)
    Westwind, sister and brother, Willow Creek: Female at 4, male at 8 (plus gourmet)

    I usually just let them do as they please regarding food, so when they are hungry they may choose to cook or they may choose to eat leftovers or quick meals. But when I do direct one of them to cook, it's usually the man.

    In two of the above households, the female sim is a scientist while the male sim mainly earns money through gardening. In one of them, the female sim has level 10 handiness while the male sim has level 2 handiness. And in one, the male sim has level 8 parenting while the female sim has level 5. So I think I just sort of lean toward playing my males more domestically in general.

    It was interesting to take a look at these households, because I honestly wasn't sure. I don't play any of them very often, compared to my all-male households.
  • Charm Family, Glimmerbrook = Martha (3)+Darrel (5)=1 point (Actually there's also Gemma+Morgan Ember but they both have cooking at 1 :D )

    Munch Family, San Myshuno = Diana (6) + Wolfgang (1)=0 points

    Le Chien Family, Windenburg = Alice (5)+Joaquin (was it?) (3) = 0 points

    Beaumont Family, SE World (Yeah, that guy from choices, TRR :D ) Marion (3)+Maxwell (2) = 0 points

    Straud Family, Forgotten Hollow= Charlotte (1)+Vlad (no skill) = 0 points

    Aww, I get only 1 point in total :'( However this might be because I don't start with families and usually get my sims married to some pre-made after some time, then I assign all the chores to the poor guy/girl. Pre-mades have almost no skills initially so my main characters have a headstart.
  • bshag4lv's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    Since I play mostly single sims and if they do have kids it's not until they are at least at the beginning of the adult stage. I don't want my parents being younger than their kids...unless they are vampires or spellcasters who are usually very long lived. I do have a couple of couples and both do the cooking and chores, whoever is free. Oh and I've never had a butler for my sims.