Forum Discussion

Kersiexx's avatar
5 years ago

I Freed Eliza Pancakes

Yea, that’s right. I freed Eliza from boring overrated Bob. I know a lot will disagree, but Eliza IS better then Bob. At least she has personality! I gave Eliza a fancy makeover and made her divorce Bob. His cries was music to my ears. He moved into an old crappy house to think about how much pain he’s brought players across the globe. Eliza, deciding she wanted a true faithful husband, moved in with one of my main sims, Remus. He had two toddler daughters who Eliza got along with fine, the home always stayed clean too. Unfortunately, their romantic interactions rarely succeeded (Maybe because they both just got out of a divorce?)

I had to go to the restroom, so I made the mistake of leaving it unpaused, you pretty much know how this goes. I came back to the kitchen on fire,an urn, and the grim reaper. I immediately thought it was Eliza, and it was. Grim didn’t leave till the fire was over, Remus wouldn’t put the toddlers down to go put out the fire AND the fire was glitched out. Because of the glitched fire I really thought I wouldn’t be able to save the house, but I did. Grim left before I could beg for Eliza’s life, and I was to lazy to make ambrosia. So 3 days later she came back and I added her to the household as a ghost. Despite one being living and the other dead, they hit it off this time (Thanks to his sisters siren song). They unfortunately couldn’t have a child as I hoped since the whole being dead thing BUT they did elope. The girls aged to kids, Eliza was like a second mother to them. By this time Bob was elder and he’s probably dead right now, sobbing for all eternity (as he deserves) while Eliza’s chilling out as a ghost with step children and a faithful husband (In your face Bob).

They really got along till Eliza divorced him because the living world was not where she belonged, and Bob often dropped by to torture her and she couldn’t handle it. So she went to the grave again. The kids sob, Remus sobs, everybody sobs.

Bob got his way, the demon.

But don’t worry, this has a happy ending! Remus married his old sweetheart from his teenage times and had a son with her. The girls age to teens, and Eliza is there to see it. She’s very proud c:. It is pretty awkward to come back from the grave every 3 days and see your old husband and his new wife and son though, but Eliza’s happy!

Everybody has got a happy ending, and Eliza gets to see all the future generations every 3 days.

Meanwhile Bob suffers, as the demon deserves.