I'm dying of curiosity about this. I googled it, and the only thing that came up was the Doki Doki Literature Club.
I did find that The Free Dictionary listed the following:
Acronym Definition
DDLC Database Development Life Cycle
DDLC Document Development Life Cycle
DDLC Dino de Laurentiis Communications (film production company)
DDLC Dili Distance Learning Center (World Bank; Dili, Timor-Leste)
DDLC Donald Danforth Leadership Center (Camp Miniwanca)
DDLC Daejeon de La Cuba (Daejeon, South Korea amateur soccer club)
DDLC Dekhockey de la Capitale (Canadian hockey club)
DDLC Diagnostics de la Construction (French: Diagnostics of Construction)
As absolutely none of those things is inappropriate, it seems bizarre to think that it's a traumatic acronym. If you wanted to make it so, every acronym can be considered bad (I'm sure there's SOMETHING that any combination of letters would stand for), so we should just censor every single word in our language, and only write things with pictures. Right? *rolls eyes*
While I believe that we shouldn't try to offend people, if something is 99% innocent and only 1% of the time does it mean anything bad, why are we so worried about it? If you really WANT to be offended, you will be. Some people need a bit more tolerance, I think.