Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
3 years ago

Is Ambrosia Safe?

I ask because one of the triplet Toddlers got her little hands on a plate of it and has gobbled it up. :open_mouth: Her mother was on her way to feed the kid. Daddy is a young Global Superstar, Rock Star who is very popular. He has at least two Obsessed Fans, who often leave 'calling cards' when they visit his home. Piles of trash, whole or partially eaten tired cakes and plates of Ambrosia. Since the front gate is the only access into the property and is kept locked for household only, plus the Butler, the little scamp must have made her way out front or even around to the outside of the back fence! At any rate, I was aware she was very hungry before the popup said so, and her mother was on the way to feed her. Are there any ill-effects from eating this stuff?

Please, and thank you, in advance.
  • Ambrosia is supposed to bring a sim back from the dead so I don't think it will have any ill effects on your living toddler. Hopefully. :smiley:
  • I know nothing about ambrosia as I've never had my sims make it. I would think at most it would bring her age back to the beginning of the toddler stage similar to the aging potion in the reward store. Fact check me on that because, again, I have no idea.

    Apart from that, it probably wouldn't do anything bad. As far as I know, toddlers can't die in the game, only be taken away for neglect.
  • Do you have aging on? If so I would be curious if she is suddenly now younger than her two counterparts? That could be a fun storyline!! If you don’t have aging on then it wouldn’t be noticeable. Does ambrosia actually reset the current age back to start? Not sure. Maybe that’s just the youth potion
  • "GirafHuntr;c-18133984" wrote:
    Do you have aging on? If so I would be curious if she is suddenly now younger than her two counterparts? That could be a fun storyline!! If you don’t have aging on then it wouldn’t be noticeable. Does ambrosia actually reset the current age back to start? Not sure. Maybe that’s just the youth potion

    I never thought of that. Yes, I do have aging on. When I power up for today, I'll have to remember to check. I do know I had added days to all three of them so that they will age up closer to their older brother than it showed. I never thought to go back in and see where they are now. "Curiouser and curiouser …" said Alice. ;)
  • It’s possible that it may have reset her to the beginning of the toddler stage, you can check in her simology panel. Otherwise it’s harmless and you can just age her up to a child when you’re ready with a birthday cake.

    From Carl’s Sims4 Guide:

    Its effects on living Sims are lackluster, given the Ambrosia Recipe requires the 1,500 Satisfaction Point Potion of Youth, which accomplishes the same as Ambrosia in bringing a Sim back to the beginning of their current life stage. To get a Ghost to eat Ambrosia, work on befriending them each time they visit then invite them to rejoin your Household. At that point, you have control and can bring the Sim back to life by ordering them to eat the Ambrosia. This is not, however, the only way to bring back the dead in The Sims 4. The Book of Life does the same, if you have a Ghost use the book once they're back in your Household.
  • UPDATE: I checked on how many days left in her Toddlerhood, and Harmony has six days, same as her triplet sisters. So, there has been no breach in the Time Continuum. Phew! Dodged that Phaser Blast.
  • "crocobaura;c-18133698" wrote:
    Ambrosia is supposed to bring a sim back from the dead so I don't think it will have any ill effects on your living toddler. Hopefully. :smiley:

    Hopefully? Oh, my. But if we lose Harmony, Melody will be so alone with just Cadence by her side. :open_mouth: What would a world look like without Harmony? Hm?