Forum Discussion

bad1788's avatar
7 years ago

Keyboard and mouse support for PS4

Pretty, pretty please!! I was excited to hear about being able to adjust the curse in the latest patch, but the console controls still leave me wishing this feature was supported.

I have had numerous times where the UI (either using the analogue sticks or the d pad) will not scroll thru a sub menu and forces me to back out again and again. Honestly, keyboard and mouse support would be such a welcome feature as it would provide console users with the same precision PC users enjoy if that is what they are looking for. Anyone who enjoys the console/controller controllers would be able to play the game their way as well.

It provides a great access point to families and low income people who maybe cannot afford to keep a desktop PC up and running year after year but they could still enjoy the family friendly fun of the SIMs. Which let's be honest, finding family friendly games for next gen consoles is a bit tricky especially for families looking for physical disk games vs PSN titles.
  • Basic Keyboard and Mouse support for Sims 4. This would make the game much more enjoyable.
  • I have used a keyboard with this game and it works with my ps4. Also you can connect the ps4 phone companion app to it and use that for text as well. Anytime a textbox comes up I've been able to use my app or keyboard. Haven't been able to get a mouse to work yet though, that would be awesome if we for mouse support.
  • > @Topher8907 said:
    > I have used a keyboard with this game and it works with my ps4. Also you can connect the ps4 phone companion app to it and use that for text as well. Anytime a textbox comes up I've been able to use my app or keyboard. Haven't been able to get a mouse to work yet though, that would be awesome if we for mouse support.

    Yes, keyboard can be used for typing in text-boxes, but the PC keyboard controls are much more advanced and allows for shortcuts to different menus, game speed and similar. Sadly you won't be able to make a mouse work with sims until they release a patch. You would have to cash out a lot of money for something like a xim4, though it shouldn't have to come to this.
  • I mean I've played on pc and on console and even though I started on pc console controller is so much better in fact I'd rather use it on a pc. Bringing keyboard support in the sense that it adds easier controls seems silly, the console controller in my opinion is lighting times quicker. Even if I've memorized my keyboard, the chances of me hitting the wrong quick key is still larger and would be a lot more annoying. I'll stick to the controller.