Forum Discussion

Sthenastia's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Lets talk about kitchens

Ok. It is my another topic but I can not understend some things. The SIms 4 has a lot of possibilities which previous Sims games couldn't have. On every post EA team tell us how this game is carrefuly develop and how SimsGurus are trying to create awesome game ect. Tell me please why kitchen stuff is so bad than? Ugly swatches, lack of matching cabinets, no possibility to split heating plate and oven, wrong island counters texture, no built-in fridges, ovens ect. (really popular in Europe), lack of some popular items. For me EA really simplified the kitchen stuff and created something only american inspired. I do not like it. Especially as as builder and as console player who can not download any recolors or cc. Anyway I do not think that cc should fill the lack of ingame content.

How to fix existing content?

We need some new swatches, textures and matching cabinets (as community created):

What about new content?

If EA will ever add matching and better swatches (as above), new counters will not be needed so dramatically as currently, but some objects will not be in game still.

Lets look how kitchen in Europe looks like (IKEA):

As you can see, our kithens are smaller and are organized a little different that american. What we need to recreate them in The Sims 4?

Whole built-in items as:
- fridge
- oven
- heating plate (induction cooktop!)
- dishwasher
- coffee machine

Also I do not know why kettle is not exist in TS4...

Dear EA, can you kindly fix the kitchen stuff please? I think that more people think that this room has the worst stuff and it is really hard to create something other than traditional country-style kitchen.

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