Forum Discussion
195 Replies
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- I’m with LGR that this game will not improve much more in the future to come. I like his honesty and I can see his sadness in the video, and that means he cares about The Sims, but not about TS4.
I can understand that there’s a huge number of players with different playstyles and different opinions. Not everybody will like certain packs and that is fine and logical. I do complain about the quality of these packs and the whole game itself. It started wrongly with too many restrictions for a sandbox game and the lack of too many features.
TS4 has no open world, no Create a Style and no world customization which make a huge impact on the whole game. The Open World feature is not just that you don’t have loading screens, it means that the whole world, all the Sims in it progress with you in every single second of gameplay. All actions have consequences, some good and some bad.
Talking about consequences, you just have to play TS3 for a few minutes to realise that people fight on the street, you can get insulted, relationships are harder to achieve, money is way much harder to get, you can get robbed, you can get angry or sad… Lots of things could happen to you in TS3, while in the TS4 everything is perfect and nothing out of the ordinary happens. TS4 is a game where there is no challenge for anything at all, killing a sim is almost impossible. In the TS3 when you get out of your home you really don’t know what will happen, while in the TS4 you already know: nothing.
Animations are way too childish, and sometimes way too feminine. When you play a couple, sometimes the responses of the man to a romantic interaction are too feminine and that breaks my immersion. If my Sim is brave and tough why should he behave like a child or a woman?
Some animations happen so frequently that they are not something funny anymore. The murphy bed breaks too often, lightning breaks things in the yard too often, and a huge list of things that should be funny when they happen once in a while.
Just play the TS3 a bit to see tons and tons of little features that adds a lot of depth: throwing food gives you a negative moodlet of “wasting food”, clocks show the real time, you can go to the grocery to buy food, you can make your bed… It’s an endless list of little things that don’t have anything to do with more and more content, all these are already in the base game.
Emotions take over any trait that your Sim has, so all focused Sims behaves exactly the same no matter what traits he or she has. With the emotion system traits are almost useless, meaning there are no unique personalities. All the sims behave the same way. Plain game, plain personalities.
The Lifetime rewards system of TS3 is way much better than in TS4. I like the idea of having a big goal to achieve that will be hard to get. This goal will define his personality, aspirations, career and job. Having a happy Sim will increase his Lifetime Happiness score, even when sleeping: having a good and comfortable bed, next to cosy fireplace in a room well decorated and with good views affects the happiness of the sim and his Lifetime Happiness score. In TS4 you can have multiple lifetime goals, some of them you can’t achieve unless you change for job… it doesn’t make sense.
Last EP is a good example of what a game company should never ever do. How is it possible that the main features of your game don’t work? I’m not talking about some minor bugs, no, I’m talking about the main features of the game: eco footprint always changes to neutral no matter what you do, some NAPs can ruin your game… This means that they don’t test the game. I repeat: THESE ARE MAIN FEATURES that we all discovered just by playing the game a few hours.
EPs give separate features that can only be played in the world of the EP. Only the new world in Eco Lifestyle can show all the things of the pack while the other worlds only show a cough and some clouds in the distance. Nothing more. You can only swim in the ocean in Sulany. Really? You can only go hiking/having a walk in the forest. Really? Rumour says that maybe there could be a winter activities pack. I’m sure it will come with a new world, probably a one with mountains but many of the new activities will be only playable in that world… it would probably be a new disappointment.
Apartments are another disappointment. Way too many restrictions. Would it be too difficult to let us redistribute the space of the floor? I can accept that we can’t change the exterior of the building (that’s realistic) but forcing us live in these apartments with almost no customization is not right. There is a nice apartment in the Spice Market district that has a balcony but the “Needs TLC” trait. Even if you change the trait with mods and remove all the items related to this trait it still has odd smells, bugs, etc. Really? The only apartment in the neighbourhood with balcony and it is useless? Some other apartments have very tall walls. The Spire Apartments is one of my favourite because it has good views, a balcony and plenty of space, but the space feels like a narrow tube with all these tall walls. If you place more than three rooms in a floor and don’t play with walls down you have to play from above to see what your sim is doing. Wrong choice. Could we change the height of the whole apartment floor? Apart from that, we cannot create our own apartments. Is it too difficult to add a shell so we can place it anywhere and have our own apartment?
Some worlds are ridiculously small. I don’t like to play a world knowing I only have one neighbour and the rest is just a decoration. Besides, If I’m playing a DJ who is single and loves the big city: why should he/she go to the desert to just read a book? Or go to the mountains to have a coffee? It breaks my immersion. I need a world with plenty of lots to have a library, a gym, a bar, a disco, … all the things my sim will need in that world. Developers say that big worlds affect the performance. I really don’t know why because only the neighbourhood you’re in is loaded, not the entire world, but I’m not an expert on The Sims code, so it must be true. What if we could disable the worlds we don’t use without disabling the whole pack? That would solve the performance issue and we could have bigger worlds.
I also don’t like that EA is more focused on releasing more content than fixing the huge amount of bugs we’re still experiencing. Some people say that there are separate teams working on different things… It don’t find it ethically right to have a certain amount of developers working on new content knowing that many people’s game is ruined because of the previous EP. I payed 40€ for a pack that I cannot play because of the bugs and I see EA excited about releasing a new pack… I don’t find it ethically right.
This game has many flaws in the base game and that is why it will not improve much more. EA instead of fixing these things like the emotion system, apartments, swimmable oceans, etc., it is just focused on releasing more swallow content of poor quality that you can only play in a certain world, in a certain way, with lots of restrictions and poor customization. This game is not a sandbox anymore and above all, it is not a life simulator. It’s a beautiful empty shell.
Peace! - Having said that, I want to be constructive, so I would suggest what I think could make the game a bit better. I know there are some features that will not be seen in TS4, so I'll try to be realistic (I'm not asking for CAW or Open World):
- Sim traits should be at least 5.
- Emotions shouldn't interfere with the Sims traits and should be something secondary. The Sim Traits should define a Sim behaviour.
- When something really good or bad happens to a sim, that feeling should taker over the rest. For example, if your sim's mother/father dies, the sadness should take over whatever other emotions the sim has and should last longer. That's realistic. You have to struggle to make your sim recover as soon as you can so that he/she can carry on with his/her life.
- Starsign, favourite food/colour features. This simple little things add more personality to your sim. His/her reations to her/his favourite food, ask others about their the starsign....
- Wants/Fears. This was great in TS2. I miss this so much. Based on the Sims traits (not emotions) you can have different wants/fears...
Reduce the occurrences of certain animations like the break of the murphy bed, lightning breaking objects. When these actions happens too often it is annoying and not funny.
Game Difficulty: Make some Game Options available to increase the game difficulty by choice:
- raising bills / rent
- reduce the money sims get from work and make it harder to get a raise.
- raising a skill should be much harder
- A sim should be able to die more easily if you neglect him/her. If you don't care for your sim, meet the consequences: death.
- Have the option to disable the worlds you don't play. In TS3 in the laucher application we had the option to enable/disable certain packs, so I guess it should done with worlds in TS4. You could still use the objects and gameplay, but not the world. This would allow you to release bigger worlds.
- Bigger worlds. I love those big worlds like Windenburg or San Myshuno and try to explore every single corner they have to offer. Small worlds makes me claustrophobic and they are not realistic.
- Don't force us to certain lots in Worlds like the Chalet Gardens in Windenburg... it's space wasted suitable for a park or any other thing we want in our world. We should decide what we want.
- Please, do something about lot types. There is not enough space in worlds to have residential and community lots. Could you make possible to join some features in one type of lot? If you place some objects in the lot NPCs should go to work on them: barista machine, Chef/waiter/host station, etc.). The possibility of different type of lots are endless: a cafe/arcade, a pool/restaurant/lounge, ....
- Why can't we have a rental lot in Sulany? I would love to go on vacation to Sulany, or place a beach in the island in Windenburg...
- Wall height should be customizable. Most of the windows of the apartments have replicas suitable for different heights, so it should't be a problem.
- We should be able to redistribute the space of one entire floor of apartments. It should meet the current restrictions of a mail box, a trash can and an elevator... Some apartments are huge and could hold more apartments.
- please, don't force us to certain lot traits. "Need TLC" should be optional and the objects of this trait should be in the buy catalog.
- If my apartment does not have the "Lively neighbours" trait, why my neighbours are always making noises? It's fun sometimes but not every single night.
Depth: This is going to be tough because TS4 lacks deeply of this. Actions and Consequences.
- when you design something new, please think about replayability. Strangerville was fun the first hour... then it's completely forgettable. The world is tiny and we already have a much better desert world: Oasis Springs. I don't remove Strangerville just because of the military career.
- design things having in mind what has been released before and how it could affect other features. When I heard about Realm of Magic I started thinking about a Harry Potter world with witches and wizards, magical bars.... when I saw the world I felt really disappointed. Nothing could be done there.
- Please, don't make some features only available to certain worlds and try to go back and find a way to adapt this feature to other worlds. For example: I love Windenburg and the island has beautiful "beaches" but sims cannot swim or collect seashells... Why my sim can't have a walk in San Myshuno but he/she can in Granite Falls?
- we all love those little details that make the game more realistic and great: having a walk hand by hand with your boy/girlfriend, a grocery, burglars, graveyards, cuddle on bed, slowdance, clocks showing the real time, make your bed, look out through the window, the "fully-rested" moodlet when you sleep and fill the Energy bar...
- smarter sims and the improvement of certain situations. When my family get together at dinner around the table, the just get up, greet each other, one sits on the piano, the other on couch, the other in a chair in the kitchen... that's not fun, they are having dinner and should be seated. The same happens in restaurants. The stand-up action while watching a movie is terrible, at the middle of the movie there's not a single soul seated.
- I miss going out and find awkward situations: couples arguing, people fighting, angry sims yelling at me, a dog barking at me. I need more things happening, some good, some bad. If my sim hurt him/herself at the gym, he/she shouldn't be able to run, walk or do some activities for sometime until he/she recovers. But please, don't make that happen ALL THE TIME.
- Story progression of some kind. I need to feel that everything is changing around me: couples marry, have babies, divorce, people die, people rent the apartment next door to mine... I need to get rid of this... "static" feeling while I'm playing.
- please, do not force us to play in a certain way or in a certain world, fixed lot traits, fixed lot types. There are too many restrictions everywhere. Everything is possible if you check the requirements for certain changes, it just takes a bit more programming. If modders can, YOU CAN.
- We need more things happening around and some of them bad, we should play not knowing what will happen next. Things should change around us, surprise us. The game needs Story Progression. The game should be more challenging and we should take care of our sims.
- Unique sims. Please, this is a must. All sims behave exactly the same. Please, emotions/traits should be reworked.
I really hope you do. I love The Sims, but sadly not TS4.
Thanks anyway. "SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list."SimTrippy;c-17597194" wrote:
Small caveat to my last statement: if you really enjoy a game then I think that most additions just end up useful to you one way or another ??♀️ so there's that to consider as well. I understand that better than the people who somehow do own everything for TS4 yet constantly complain about how bad it is. I honestly understand that a lot less. I got Watch Dogs 2 for free, it's boring as hell. Haven't opened it since and would never buy dlc for it xD
yes this lgr make money on this though so I can understand that"CAPTAIN_NXR7;c-17598913" wrote:
"@SimmerGeorge;c-17598871" wrote:
@Simburian You are implying so many things I don't know where to start.
But you know about your most relevant comment.
I already went into why the "I got so many hours out of the game for the money" argument doesn't work.
Also leave other games out of this.
I agree that other games have nothing to do with it.
I don’t agree with this: "I got so many hours out of the game for the money" argument doesn't work.
Some folks invest huge amounts of money in a hobby or on a thing they love. Games. Cars. Shoes. The hairdresser. Antiques. Luxury Beach Holidays. The Theater. Concerts. Merchandise. Vintage Dresses. Make-Up. Para-Gliding. Keeping Animals. Music. Fake Tans. Etc.
If they enjoy it, it’s worth every penny and sometimes more. For them. Because they enjoy it. Not anyone else. They do. The time they spend on that hobby and the enjoyment they get out of it, is worth more than the money they invested in it.
I‘m pretty sure that you’ve already spent way more money on something that I wouldn’t even look at. And the other way around. Unless we are the same person. Which we are not. But you feel that the money you spent on that something is worth every penny. Or even more perhaps. Meanwhile I’ve spent that same amount of money on something you may think is utterly ridiculous. And I don’t blame you. But it keeps me entertained, so I’m glad I invested in it.
There’s really no argument in what people like to spend their money on and how much they think it’s worth it for them. Unless it’s obviously hurting them (or others), but that’s a different conversation.
agreed"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Well, aren't you a practitioner of technicality? Ok, fair enough. Lets play that game.
You do know that a dictionary is nothing more than a collection of generally accepted terms.... right? And NOT a bible of what is absolutely correct under that law?
"Respect" .... is an emotional activity.... such as love, compassion, hate, or contempt..... which may be freely given, or freely expected.
I haven't yet come across a book, including dictionaries you are citing, that suggest that "respect must be "earned", or in any way paid for.
I don't agree with your claim that "my" respect must be earned before I offer it to other people.
If you are someone who feels that "your" respect must be earned before being offered... fair enough. That's your choice. But don't explain your personal choice as being born from a generally accepted norm of social economic consensus."summertaffy68;c-17601978" wrote:
"Sindocat;c-17594944" wrote:
I couldn't finish this. His tone is snotty and condescending from the get-go, and I am disinclined to fight through his lousy attitude to sift out any actually useful information.
Is he always like this? Must be a lot of fun at parties.
I agree. His earlier reviews of the Sims 4 packs were less cringe-y. Either he's jumping on the bandwagon or others are jumping on with him in just crapping on everything this franchise puts out. Either way, I am tired of him and others like him. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Do you have to take the enjoyment out of everyone who does?
@summertaffy68 Take the enjoyment out of everyone? He's a reviewer, he makes reviews, he critiques games and people watch him for it. I swear smh people don't get that.- The stuff packs whole contents pretty big when you add all the stuff you can make and sell B)
the last three packs have been great for me <3
can't wait for the next GP and EP "muzickmage;c-17607605" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Well, aren't you a practitioner of technicality? Ok, fair enough. Lets play that game.
You do know that a dictionary is nothing more than a collection of generally accepted terms.... right? And NOT a bible of what is absolutely correct under that law?
"Respect" .... is an emotional activity.... such as love, compassion, hate, or contempt..... which may be freely given, or freely expected.
I haven't yet come across a book, including dictionaries you are citing, that suggest that "respect must be "earned", or in any way paid for.
I don't agree with your claim that "my" respect must be earned before I offer it to other people.
If you are someone who feels that "your" respect must be earned before being offered... fair enough. That's your choice. But don't explain your personal choice as being born from a generally accepted norm of social economic consensus.
The dictionary is the definition of words and and how they are used in the English language.
it is not a guide that you throw away because you want to use the word your way.
If you tried this line in a college English class you would fail.
But, I'm not going to argue this anymore. If you are fine with using the word the wrong way and believing that the English language is your to butcher as you see fit, have at it.- OEII10015 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Tenchi2a;c-17608169" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17607605" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Well, aren't you a practitioner of technicality? Ok, fair enough. Lets play that game.
You do know that a dictionary is nothing more than a collection of generally accepted terms.... right? And NOT a bible of what is absolutely correct under that law?
"Respect" .... is an emotional activity.... such as love, compassion, hate, or contempt..... which may be freely given, or freely expected.
I haven't yet come across a book, including dictionaries you are citing, that suggest that "respect must be "earned", or in any way paid for.
I don't agree with your claim that "my" respect must be earned before I offer it to other people.
If you are someone who feels that "your" respect must be earned before being offered... fair enough. That's your choice. But don't explain your personal choice as being born from a generally accepted norm of social economic consensus.
The dictionary is the definition of words and and how they are used in the English language.
it is not a guide that you throw away because you want to use the word your way.
If you tried this line in a college English class you would fail.
But, I'm not going to argue this anymore. If you are fine with using the word the wrong way and believing that the English language is your to butcher as you see fit, have at it.
Respect, as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, regarded as the premier source in English-speaking academia.
I'll direct you to definition two, which you're conveniently omitting in the interest of pursuing a line of argument:
respect (for somebody/something) polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important
So while you are correct in your assertion regarding the term respect, muzickmage is also correct in their assertion. Word can and do mean different things depending on the context, and muzickmage employed the term in the correctly. What any of this has to do with the crux of the word of the One True YouTuber is beyond me, but it was evidently important enough to dedicate multiple lines of argumentation.
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