"Scobre;c-17443713" wrote:
"NorthDakotaGamer;c-17443036" wrote:
While I do play TWO other game franchises, I still expect better quality gameplay content to come for Sims 4. Waiting on it to be delivered, but expect shallow gameplay as has been their practice. Btw, I also can play Story of Seasons and Little Dragon's Cafe, but I prefer playing on my PC and allowing my children to play on the Switch and 3DS systems. I use Sims 4 as a stress relief outlet, since I work in an essential-type job in a grocery store. I am really starting to hate all people because of certain behaviors of customers in the store I work. This epidemic has people being crazy hoarders and mean-spirited toward employees when stock is so limited by our suppliers.
I've worked with DHS before this occurred last year so I understand working a thankless job. I appreciate all the work that you do. I wish I could work in health care now to help out, but I'm one of the risk factor people and everyone in my household is too. Doesn't help hearing news cats and dogs are dying from it too, so I even have to be careful of my two cats and dogs. Awe that is sweet you let them play the Switch. Honestly your kids I would highly recommend getting AC for as a stress relief. It is such a relaxing game.
Can't say I'm shocked by behavior since how I've seen people react on social media, but sorry it is effecting you. My neighbors have been so kind to us offering some toilet paper and doing grocery shopping for us sometimes.
But yes exactly why it is really hard to play the Sims 4 right now because Sims do act like crazy hoarders and mean-spirited and selfish towards other Sims. It is just not a stress relief outlet for me anymore and reflects the spirit of the world right now. With Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley it is more about escaping into the outdoors, going without nothing and working for it, and really about community. I just can't get that with the Sims 4 and honestly with not having work now and so many others not having work, I just can't feel guilty not supporting the Gurus right now.
So it is like whether the Sims 4 comes out with new content or not doesn't matter for those of us without work having to stay home due to age or compromised immune systems. I had to teach my mom how to use the Walmart App today just so we could avoid those crazy hoarders and mean-spirited shoppers by picking things we needed right away without having to interact with other shoppers. Shoppers are just not respecting the 6 foot rule especially with the elderly and compromised immune systems and workers and it is really unfair to all of us. I mean Amazon workers are even on strike right now because of being treated unfairly not following health care regulations. But yes I did buy AC digitally so I wouldn't risk interacting with shoppers and workers. I have been so sick this year with people being gross even prior to this with lack of hygiene and people continue to spit on sidewalks. I am glad you can escape the isolation but yes even a friend of mine had a panic attack after going grocery shopping with how people were behaving. Right now I wouldn't even want to deal being around the other shoppers fighting over Sims game cards, packs, and toilet paper. I rather have Gurus be safe at home than care about a DLC pack because at least you can escape your work when you come home. They can't and have to deal with crazy hoarders and mean spirited people everyday and around their children now while watching and home schooling their kids and changing diapers and still have to go out for food and medicine. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Anyway while you wait months to years for decent content, I'll be happily playing Animal Crossing with other Simmers and gamers and long-distance family in a stress free environment. According to health care professionals this virus isn't going away anytime soon and if anything is going to kill the Sims 4, this is. So many other businesses are having to close down too and only the essential ones like grocery stores remain. Nintendo I see have a higher chance of surviving this than Maxis at least with their PC and console market. Mobile market I think will survive.
Despite all the sadness I am remaining highly amused at some of the Gurus remark like being frowned up by someone who plays Animal Crossing too. It brightens my day seeing so many Gurus and ex-Gurus enjoy the game too. All the Game Changers have been playing it too which is fun to see them bond together with the game as well as their communities.
It makes me giggle a bit thinking the Gurus seem to be having more fun playing AC rather than their own game...hrmmm and now the game changers have joined in the fun LOL.