I thought this was good for anyone that is working from home right now. I just heard a story of a bus driver passing away from a woman that rode the bus and didn't cover their cough. Last time I went grocery shopping the checker did not cover their cough. I showered right away and wiped down everything. But yes please everyone keep that 6 foot distance even when working, cover coughs, and wash your hands regardless of what you do. Lives are more important and please be patient towards every type of worker and make sure they are following the health code guidelines too. We will get through this together.
Sometimes I feel frustrated not being able to work or take my tax exam right now, but my dad had to remind me what times we are living in now and money is not the priority. He is supporting two households right now while working for a fireplace warehouse to keep people's homes warm and be able to cook in their backyards while fighting cancer. My mom had heart surgery and I am a spoonie with a compromised immune system. So if you know someone who is having to isolate themselves right now, please reach out to them digitally. That is far more important that worrying about a pack coming out every three months right now. Plus wouldn't hurt to do giveaways right now either if you have the urge to spend money on Sims and stream your games. Look for ways to bring Simmers together and help them out during these dark times.