Forum Discussion

mightyspritesims's avatar
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2 months ago

Lovestruck: How Broken Is It?

The Lovestruck EP has been out for a little while now, so it's a good time to do a good ol' round-up of the features and bug reports and find out how broken it is!

The most serious bugs I know of so far (that more than 10 people have reported)
1. Both played and unplayed sims can suddenly die of a broken heart without ever having had their heart broken
2. Romantic relationships decline too fast, like while the partners are separated so that one can go to work for the day
3. Sims reset when trying to do romantic interactions- the interaction fails and a LastException is generated
4. Dates fail to start or have blank UI menus, essentially breaking dates
5. Cupid's Corner doesn't successfully gather sims from the gallery, or something is glitchy with the age or gender or voice or CAS editing on the sim generated

I don't much care about Cupid's Corner, because I am a romantic Gen X lady who prefers to pretend that online dating doesn't exist, but I plan to wait to buy the pack until the other four bugs are fixed.

Unfortunately the Save Code Error 0 bug is back, which prevents people from saving their games. Unfortunately, it affects people who just have the basegame patch, not only people who bought Lovestruck. Using "Save As" helps some people, clearing out played sims' inventories of crystals and metals and elements helps some people.

Does anyone else have feedback to share?

(If you have another bug to report, or you also have bugs I mentioned, please do me-too or report on AHQ!)