"belpita;c-17273638" wrote:
It seems to me that OP has a specific (personal) view of what "masculine" and "feminine" are, and that may not be universally the same.
Even though Sims is an American game and thus based in many American traditions and behaviours, which do seem more polarised when it comes to gendered behaviour, it is also trying to cater to the rest of the world.
So really, the key issue would actually be how to define what OP is asking for without using the word "masculine", since it may mean different things to different people.
Personally, the animations never bothered me for reasons others have expressed; they are cartoonish and funny. The whole concept of flirting and wohooing in the game is in itself very unrealistic, so I don't expect my Sims to behave like real life humans. More variation would be great, for the sake of having my Sims behave more in line with their general traits. I'd love for my butch lesbian to be really awkward at flirting and my romantic straight male Sim to be over the top, for example.
You make an astute point! Masculinity and Femininity are quite different, and perceived differently depending on the culture you are speaking about, so defining the two is quite difficult, especially when it's a concept created from societal pressure towards males and females to act in their stereotypical fashion - The man has to act in this way, and the woman in the other way.