Forum Discussion

ambrown93's avatar
10 years ago


so my elder sim Lawson got abducted last night...I didn't care much because I figured he is OLD so he CAN'T get PREGNANT.

well he is.
now i am annoyed.

will be sending this child back to space once it's born.

  • Pegasyms's avatar
    New Spectator
    I know this is a necro'd post, but to answer your question @JackOnYourBack yes, about a year ago, in early 2017 I had an elder who was on the verge of death in a retirement home (and I was waiting for him to die) get abducted and get pregnant. It was a big shock to me! After that, I decided to be kind and give him the Potion of Youth because it would be sad to leave the tiny alien tot without a parent.
  • EA_David's avatar
    Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin
    hey, as mentioned, this is a necro so it'll be locked as per the rules. Hopefully pegasys' post was useful, and please feel free to create a new thread if you still want to discuss this.

  • Considering how rare it is now to have an alien baby without mods, are you sure you don't want to keep it? This may never, ever, happen again, to any Sim you ever play.
  • He is old enough. Just kill him. Delete him
    Or make him unplayable sim, once he give birth you can either delete both or just let him die and social services will take the child
  • AstroX1424's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Aliens need to get new hobbies.

    I've used this joke too much already, I'm lame...
  • "ambrown;13705695" wrote:
    this is my sim Lawson's second alien baby -_- @sooozeeebeee

    wow, guess aliens really like to probe your Sim! I cant get any of my male Sims pregnant. There have been a few abductions, but no "pollination".
  • I really don't like the abductions. I have had two male sims get pregnant and I had to send them all back except for one since his wife was a scientist I figure I'd keep that one. I had to unlock the satellite to prevent abduction, but at least I got a new TV channel.