Forum Discussion
92 Replies
- Horrorgirl66 months agoSeasoned Ace
No worrise
- mellowgamerchick6 months agoSeasoned Veteran
I was really excited about the 80s/90s retro world, the child age sim camp, and the traveling van for retired sims. I think we need something completely new for age groups that normally don't get a lot of attention. Teens, YA, and adults already get so much in most expansion packs.
Elders, especially with this upcoming life and death kit, still don't have a lot of gameplay. They dropped the ball in Growing Together (which was focused mostly on infants), they didn't add classes to the community centers like they marketed in the pack. Elders basically just die, I rarely let them retire or do anything else.
Children can barely do anything, they only got 1 new aspiration since base game, they didn't get active schools in High School Years, and they have the same 2 after-school activities. It would be awesome to send them to sleep away camp, gaining skills, enjoying summer break (if you have Seasons), etc. - Elivenya6 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
10 years and they finaly considering a basic thing like a create a world tool....better late than never
- Being able to choose our Coat of Arms from amongst a few choices
- Banner & Flags with said Coat of Arms
^ I feel like get together already kinda does that with clubs so maybe they should update in second version for those banners with more royal fancy look 🤔
- logionX6 months agoLegend
I would go with:
- Cyberpunk (Great setting to play with poor and rich sims and their lifestyles and how they live)
- Ocean World (If they add underwater worlds I think this could work great)
- Post Apocalyptic World (Could work really well, they could make it like a survival game)
- Van Life (Travel around lots with a van could offer some expansive gameplay, but we still have no cars?)
- Exploration coastal world (Could work, if they do it well)
- Crime fighting (Could maybe work? But I'm not sure.)
- 80's-90's world (Doesn't sound very fun when you read their ideas for the pack, play table games, use landline phones)
- Modern Monarchy (I don't think this will work in The Sims 4, their ideas sound like things people are already doing)
- Sleepaway camps (sounds like a game pack)
- Wrenry6 months agoSeasoned Novice
I loved the ideas for being able to make house boats, traveling to other islands and dive spots because those where a part of Island Paradise and really should have been included with Island Living.
Also would love to see a Create-A-World (CAW) function returned. Though the teams do create beautiful much land is taken up by props instead of more areas to build.
- Plumbeeb6 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
Alright, so here's my ranking:
- Cyberpunk
- 80's / 90's Retro
- Post-Apocalyptic / Survival
- Gritty City
- Ocean World
- Coastal World / Adventure
- Van Life / Travel
- Camping
- Monarchy
My first pick would be a Cyberpunk theme. Into The Future for the Sims 3 was one of my favourite expansions, so anything futuristic or sci-fi is right up my street. I think it would be amazing to have Emit Relevart make an appearance again! I'd be most excited for robot companions though, and exploring relationships and other complexities of man and machine. Also, I just really want a robotics workshop so that we can create and customise a variety of robots.
- fatalmoon656 months agoSeasoned Scout
I picked the van life, ocean and adventure exploration. I love the Sims because it's an upbeat and humorous antidote to real life, and don't really want to have my sims living in a dystopian or post-apocalyptic world. What I would really like is for more of the careers to be playable like the detective, scientist, actor, etc. I want to be a teacher that goes to the school and teaches. I want to have a riding stable where the horses can be boarded and rented out. I want the pets to be more playable and able to get jobs. I basically want my Sims to have more to do in the packs that I already own.
- siljemeum6 months agoRising Rookie
I took the survey and added most of my thoughts from my Northern Europe/Scandinavia forum post
I really like the whole Vanlife concept, this makes room for bigfoot and fairies too IMO
Retro world and vanlife could go together, or even Retro World + apocalypse (Stranger Things vibe) Here's my list.- Van Life
- 80/90s Retro World
- Post-Apocalyptic Survivor
- Sleepaway Camp
- Gritty City
- Modern Monarchy
- Cyberpunk
- Adventurous Exploration
- Ocean World
- Dreamprisoner6 months agoSeasoned Ace
Very Interested)
1) Gritty City - Especially if it ties in with Get To Work and works to expand the police career.
2) Modern Monarchy - With emphasis on political intruige, drama and fake friends.
The extended text talked too much about 'influence', which sounded dangerously similar to the neighbourhood votes/fashion icon, I don't wan't re-skinned gameplay.
Somewhat Interested) But both of these are better suited to be Game Packs.
3) Post Apoclypse - Only if they made it make sense, like on a separate planet or Island world. I would also be careful not to make it a re-hash of Eco-Lifestyle's off-the-grid living.
4) Van Life - Probably wouldn't play it much, but it is different to anything we have had.
Less Interested)
5) Camp - This is going to leave a sour taste in my mouth because Outdoor Retreat should have done this.
6) Ocean World - ....This is going to leave a sour taste in my mouth because Island Living should have done this.
7) Cyberpunk - (See 90s world)
9) Adventurous Exploration - Free update to Jungle Adventure to add Museum lot types and bam, you have this pack.
8) 90s World - With this and Cyberpunk, I am not keen on time-travel. But future travel makes more sense than going back in time, and if they were going to do a back-in-time pack, I would want Medieval or Victorian stuff. I just don't see how they could do this without completely breaking time-line/scientific continuity.
I would prefer them to split these concepts into different packs; kits for clothing and furniture and stuff packs for rollerblading or part-time jobs fleshing out, etc.
Happy to see they are considering some long asked for ideas for expansion packs, but disappointed to see how many are recycled concepts from their existing half-job EPs.
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