Forum Discussion

DevilNDisguise7's avatar
5 years ago

Pregnant Roommate

So, one of the many households I play consists of a single guy. He was the roommate of one of my other Sims while they attended university together; I really liked the Sim, so I ended up moving him into his own little house after everyone graduated and went their separate ways.

I then decided to try out the roommate feature. Posted an ad and ended up being roommates with Kathrina Kim-Lewis-Goth (daughter of Alexander Goth & Olivia Kim-Lewis).

Well, one thing led to another and the two became a couple and thanks to mods, they autonomously woohood without my attention and she is now pregnant! I easily could terminate the pregnancy, but I'm kind of interested to see where this leads, since I didn't have the intention of keeping this particular couple together in the longrun.

But my question is, will she move out before she has the baby/once the baby is born? Or if I prep a room for the newborn, will that help her to stay?
I'm really enjoying the aspect of having a couple live together, but not having control of one of them. It's made things interesting in my game, and I'd love to keep it that way so long as Kathrina doesn't up and leave just because she's pregnant.
  • SiggDiggit's avatar
    Seasoned Observer
    Pregnant roommates move out before they have the baby :'(
    You can't have family units (or babies-teens) as roommates, only single sims.

    However (if you have MCCC), you could wait 'till she gives birth, summon and add the baby to your household then invite her over and ask her to be your roommate again.

    Edit: added more details
  • "SiggDiggit;c-17354837" wrote:

    Pregnant roommates move out before they have the baby :'(

    Ugh! Disappointment!

    That's a shame. :( I really don't want to make her part of the actual household, but it wouldn't make much sense for someone in a happy relationship to leave the house they live in with their SO, to have a baby in Nowhere-Land. :|