Q&A: Businesses & Hobbies
#AD (just in case this counts as social media)
I was invited to join the CFE (not final software) opportunity for Businesses & Hobbies. Thank you to the EA Creator Network for this chance to answer questions for you about ALL THE THINGS!
I will be taking and answering questions about gameplay, throwing several pots, botching multiple tattoos, out-nerding the Logic Class participants, chasing down a Shady character in a trench-coat... ALL THE THINGS! Plus I'll give you info on anything else you guys want to know about!
I have mainly played around trying various home-based businesses, as there are so many possible combinations to create, so might have to look up some higher level info as I answer questions. I'm still testing as we speak, and will be for as long as I have early access. I also threw in my packs for (unsupported) cross-pack testing for more of an idea of what could be done with this pack.
The embargo has already lifted at time of posting. Format will be similar to last time where I have links to each subject and add more info to each based on questions asked and as I discover things through gameplay. If you didn't see it the first time you look, check on the subject post again later.
Index to follow . Let me know if there's something I forgot. You know the drill...
Premises built. Staff employed. Tickets now on sale!
P.S. - I also have a Creator Code now, so if you find my Q&A useful you might consider it as an option at checkout. This doesn't give you a discount, but it gives me a 5% commission on the price of the pack. If you wish to use it, my code is EmmaVane. Just enter the code on the the payment screen where voucher codes normally go. Thank you, EA for this opportunity.
§ Business Activities
§ Business Presets
§ Target Customers
§ Business Logos/Graphics & Map Icons
§ Business Logistics: Setting Up/Passing Down
§ Owned Business Crossovers/Updates
§ Business Perks
§ Business Objects
§ Can I have a Small Business here?
§ Employees
§ Standard Venue vs. Small Business version of Venue
§ TS4:B&H vs. TS2:OFB
§ Aspirations
§ Traits
§ Skill Mastery Perks