Forum Discussion

Missmagoo2's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago


Do your roommates do anything?
Mine are so boring. I feel like they just do the bare minimum to "survive". Eating, sleeping, toileting, showering, leaving for a bit, coming back, rinse and repeat. I mean they DO take out the garbage and pay their bills on time...
They never read, they never watch television, they never paint, they don't play any instruments, etc. They just "exist". The "craziest" thing they do is throw "parties". But, they don't really talk to anyone, they don't cook food for them, they just do whatever they were doing and ignore the guests.
  • I've only recently gotten the Discover University pack and finally got some roommates (ad never did work). But I have 4 roommates because I went out and actively worked to get them. Here is the breakdown so far:

    Pranav Banerjee:

    Sleeps at night in bed
    Cleans up

    Bakes cake after cake after cake after... well you get the picture

    None so far

    Mario De Santa:

    None noticed yet

    Does not sleep in his bed (but at least leaves the lot and comes back apparently well rested and in high spirits)

    Watches TV

    Akira Kibo

    None noticed yet

    Naps on couch instead of sleeping in bed
    Will not bathe (but sometimes uses the hot tub)
    Doesn't leave the house mostly

    Watches TV sometimes
    Uses the hot tub sometimes

    Matthew Gossett

    None noticed yet

    Always sad, I mean ALWAYS SAD
    Never bathes
    Doesn't sleep in bed
    Naps in hot tub

    Uses the hot tub sometimes
    Leaves the house sometimes

    To be fair, I don't really have much in the way of entertainment and it's early spring so too cold for the pool. So TV and hot tub really are the only entertainment at the moment. I have an entry level job and $13k in weekly bills so can't afford to put in a stereo or anything else until I get a house full of roommates.

    EDIT: Just checked on Matthew and he was napping in the hot tub. Added that to cons.

    Also, I wonder if they prefer single beds or double beds? I have doubles for all of them but only one ever uses his.
  • jeni2810's avatar
    New Spectator
    For room mates you have to assign the bed to them, otherwise they will nap on couches, in the hot tub.

    The different personality types for them sounds interesting to investigate.
  • I found a list online showing the possible roommate traits. Each come with a pre set personality trait, which is only used by roommates. Like some will focus on bringing food, some will focus on repairing anything broken, etc. I think the list had 15-20 versions, I don't recall where I found it (Simsvip?) but you could probably google it.
  • Hey, guys, this is from a year ago. I don't need help on this anymore
  • This touches on one of the Sims 4's biggest problems, in my opinion. In 3, random sims would actually do things. Sims would show up at my house occasionally, and once there, would engage in things that involved other sims, including my own. The NPC's just felt more real. Whereas before, it felt like my sims were part of a bigger picture, now they seem the entire picture, and that's boring.
  • I got a mermaid for a roommate. He used to eat everything in the fridge! Like literally every single leftover food and barely ever slept! Now he only sleeps. I’m speaking DAYS IN A ROW! what am i dealing with here? LMAO