Forum Discussion

Kyr0e's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

Simming Tips, Tricks, and Curiosities

To make this intro short and sweet--I play TS4 for copious amounts of time, and with enough attention to detail to notice curious details and mechanics, stress-test them, and figure out how to reproduce the results I desire. Once I've done that, I'll then note them down, and once I've enough relative content, I'll compile them to share, going in as much detail as I can (where needed).

I've been posting these dossiers on Reddit, and felt it would be worthwhile to post them here as well so the information can reach more simmers. Now that I'm all caught up between both, I'll post any future ones simultaneously.

Enjoy, and I hope they help to better your playthroughs in some way, and calm seas and fair winds on your simming journey.


  • I own all (Expansion, Game, and Stuff) packs save for:

    • Cottage Living
    • Journey to Batuu
    • My First Pet Stuff
    • My Wedding Stories
    • Werewolves
    • High School Years
    • Growing Together
    • Horse Ranch

    Should any pack's features influence the operation of another's, or that of a basegame feature, I cannot always account for that.
  • I ask that if submitting information of your own, it be directly relevant to the topics posted. In most cases, I'd prefer to test information myself, as I try to do so in a way that is as factual as it can be (and reproduceable as well). If I cannot (such as if I do not own a pack or the information contains too many chance-based, coinciding variables), then I will take it at face value. Either way, it will be credited.
  • I ask that you do not hijack this thread to post your own topics. I strive to make my 'Simming Tips' as thorough and presentable as possible. This includes editing run-throughs, constant re-reads (each time someone new/recurrent comes in, or I've the time, I re-read my posts to make sure everything is up to my standards), and updates (if I find new info regarding old topics). If you have a topic you'd like to post, there is this thread, or you can DM me for evaluation.

Simming Tips Index

Simming Tips:

  • The Kleptomaniac's Bible - The rules that govern how swiping works in-game.
  • Matching Aliens with their disguises (MCCC Required) - How to use MC Sim Commands and MC CAS to make your alien sim match their disguise, and essentially make any sim into a shape-shifter using the Mod.
  • Mixin' Music - A remake of an older Simming Tip, which goes into detail regarding the use of the 'Mix Master Music Station' from Get Famous.
  • Clearing Out Neighbourhood Action Plans (N.A.P.'s) - A step-by-step on how to wipe out and prevent NAP's in Eco Lifestyle.
  • Often Forgotten Phone Functionality - A few oft-overlooked functions of the phone UI.
  • Fun with Voodoo Dolls - Creative ways to utilise voodoo.
  • The Two Deadliest In-Game Items - How to acquire and make use of the two deadliest in-game items.
  • What Can (and Cannot) Kill Vampires? - Doubles as both a list of what does and doesn't kill vampires, as well as a general list of (almost) all of the deaths in-game.
  • Of Bats and Vampires - An extensive list of tidbits about vampires. Mostly things the game doesn't explicitly say outright, or you'd need to pay attention to moodlets, the environment, or notifications for.
  • Extraneous Build Considerations - Just as it says on the tin, this is just a list of things that won't be super helpful when building, but might sprinkle a bit of garnish on it.
  • Where The Wall Things Are - Images, names, and prices of Paintings and Posters that have extra designs or forms hidden beyond the first swatch.
  • Eclectic Emulations - A compilation of Build-Mode-based ideas, which take certain items and put them together or use them in creative ways to emulate certain functions.
  • Occults Within Occults - Tired of waiting around for Maxis to release a new occult? Why not emulate them through the use of older ones?
  • Send In The Clones - What carries over to a clone? What doesn't? How could cloning fit into my gameplay? I answer all three questions in this one post.
  • Rug-ged Living - A continuation of 'Where The Wall Things Are', this time focusing on rugs.
  • A Wedding And A Story - The making of an entirely DIY wedding, complete with sims to follow, and suggestions to make any wedding (or emulation thereof) more enjoyable.
  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - Alternative ways to utilise unneeded items, other than selling or deletion.
  • Can You Dig It? - Collectible Spawn Maps - A collection of digsite maps for every world (pre-Cottage Living).
  • No Skills, No Problem - Various tips, tricks, and considerations learnt on my journey from 0 simoleons to 400k.
  • Where The Wall Things Are - Revisited - A continuation of ST #11, this time regarding items in the "Wall Decor" section of Build/Buy with alternative forms, imagery, and patterns per swatch.

    Curious Details:
    Mini-posts regarding interesting and overlooked features of the game.

  • Vacation Brochures - Brochures for all of the available worlds (pre-Cottage Living).
  • Omiscan Myths: Origin, Death, and Regeneration - Excerpts from the Omiscan religion found in build/buy.
  • Wading Around - The places one can still wade (without being able to swim), and a few tidbits about wading.
  • Strangerville Story Tidbits - Overlooked sources of lore regarding Strangerville.
  • The Peak OF Mt. Komorebi - Two extra boons found on the Peak of Mount Komorebi.
  • A Tale Of Dia De Los Muertos - A story told through the descriptions of the 'Dia De Los Muertos' sugar skulls.
  • Bodysuits and Long Tops - A visual overview of the bodysuits and long tops in-game.
  • The Aqua-Zip - An overview of the Aqua-Zip from Island Living.
  • What's In The Backpack? - A list of what can be stored in the backpack from the August 2023 SDX drop.

    Gameplay Ideas:
    Posts that contain playthrough ideas.


    • Simming Tips #18:

      • Updated insect spawn markers and added insect guides for each part of Granite Falls.

    • Simming Tips #15:

      • Added the rugs of unowned packs (credits go to CallMeKeir on Twitch)

  • 75 Replies

    • Kyr0e's avatar
      Seasoned Ace
      2 years ago
      Curious Details #7: Bodysuits and Long Tops

      Over the course of both 'Simming Tips' and 'Curious Details', I've seldom ventured into CAS for more than an add-on to my gameplay-focused overviews. For a while, however, there've been a few tidbits regarding it that have piqued my curiosity. Today, we'll fish out 2 of those for a mini-overview: Bodysuits and Long Tops.

      Bodysuits are tops (under the "Tanks" sub-category) that can act as tuck-ins, as well as full-body swimsuit-esque outfits. The game doesn't seem to have many of these, and their thumbnails only depict them as the former, keeping the latter aspect obscured until one both happens upon them, and uses them sans overlapping bottoms.
      Realm of Magic, Basegame, & Backyard Stuff

      Unlike full body swimwear, these are worn with underwear underneath by default (making them prone to panty lines in some cases). Like full body swimwear, leggings slot in underneath for both "leotard" and "80's athletic wear" looks.

      Long Tops
      Let's drop back to basics for a minute and talk about filters.

      With a tick of the little arrow beside the faint bar above the thumbnails, one can filter clothing based on Colour, Material (Denim, Cotton, etc), Outfit Category (when the outfit is utilised), Fashion Choice (Feminine or Masculine), Style (Boho, Hipster, etc), Special (Birthday content), Content (Custom, Purchased, Unlocked), and Packs. Regardless of how much the player or the devs ever touch "Material" and "Style", there's a similar filter missing: Length. From having gone through every top in the packs I own, I've found 4 distinct lengths, each corresponding to where they end: Chest, Waist, Hip, and Thigh.

      Honing in on the latter of the 4, these tops are about as long as a Micro-mini dress (albeit somewhat shorter), covering just enough (with no bottoms) to straddle the line of "public indecency" (and despite what one might think, sims don't actually lift their legs to a large degree whilst walking, regardless of walkstyle). The only ones I'd found that would require "Self Assured", "Brave", and "Adventurous" to even consider stepping outside (sans pants) are ones from 'Fashion Street' Kit and 'Moonlight Chic' Kit, given their particular styles of "openness". The button-up from Basegame is curved enough at the hips to be considered as well, and the outfit combo from Eco Lifestyle requires an impartial referee with each outing (the underwear is fully covered, but the shadow at the hem makes it seem more precarious than it is).


      Basegame Career Unlocks

      Cats & Dogs

      Dream Home Decorator

      Eco Lifestyle

      Fashion Street Kit

      Moonlight Chic Kit



      Snowy Escape

      Snowy Escape Unlocks

    • Kyr0e's avatar
      Seasoned Ace
      2 years ago
      Curious Details #8: The Aqua-Zip

      The Aqua-Zip feels like a dream -- as in it exists, I've used it, and every now and then I remember my sims own two of them for "His and Hers"-styled public disturbances. Yet still the Aqua Zip fades from memory the moment I cease to consider the fact we have swimmable areas in post-Sulani worlds where other features (regardless of their frequency of use) have more "tangible" triggers -- The fish trap, for instance, has the Fishing skill, which links back to my sims' aquariums and the need for plasma packs (it can also be a viable source of Sulani's 'Buried Treasure' collectibles). The Outrigger Canoe is similarly used for fishing, but is also one of the few non-coffin means of repose for a vampire with the 'Sleep Of The Undead' weakness. It's a shame, really, because outside of the Fun motive and music-based moodlets (for both preferences and general proximity thereto), the Aqua-Zip is almost hot tub levels of "frivolous luxury item a sim owns because what else are they going to do with their ludicrous amounts of simoleons?".

      That said, the reason I compare it to the hot tub, specifically, is due to the fact that under the hood there's actually a little bevy of features that both sound good on paper and look cool in practice, even though they ultimately fail to be a consistent draw.

      The adventure starts with the iLand Beach Shax, a high-tech piece of equipment camouflaged with wooden planks on three sides. Afterwards, sims can select from Fishing skill books, fish traps, lounge chairs and float loungers, beach towels, island-exclusive fruits and roots, and two aquatic vehicles: the Outrigger Canoe, and the Aqua-Zip.

      A technological marvel in the world of beach supply vending, with eye-catching colours and kid-friendly imagery.

      Whilst the Outrigger Canoe is pretty simple; just "buy and try", the Aqua-Zip is somewhat more involved. Firstly, there are two versions available:

      • One in a simplistic blue, with white trim ($2,100)

        For the everyman who just wants to get from A to Sea.

      • One with a "Shark in water" motif ($2,500)

        For the those who like to live dangerously.

      Though these colours can be switched in Build/Buy, and both versions are of the same item, there's a reason the latter costs a bit more -- Whilst in a sim's inventory, the option for "Add-Ons" can be selected, allowing for the vehicle's alteration. Unlike most things in TS4, these alterations aren't done using the Handiness skill, but rather are paid for, similar to the 'Sheeps-In-A-Pod Sleeping Pod' from Get Famous and the rocket ships from the basegame. Alongside other features that act as "upgrades", there is an option to "Change Paint Pattern...", which will change the current swatch to one of 14 options for a fee.

      • The 7 basic colours with white trim cost $200 each.

        • Pink
        • Yellow
        • Blue
        • Red
        • Black
        • Green
        • White


        Aqua Rangers, assemble!

      • The 7 artistic motifs cost $300 each.

        • Tribal
        • Racing
        • Shark
        • Clownfish
        • Abstract
        • Pastel
        • Polka Dot


        For only $100 more, you too can be "fancy".

      These are not one-time purchases one can do to have them all available for free, and will need to be paid for each change/change back. Now as for why the Shark costs $400 more (and not $300) is beyond my comprehension, as one would be better off paying the $2,100, then adding the shark motif for a total of $2,400.

      Moving on to the other micro-trans- I mean "Add-ons"...

      Streamers, lights, music, flames, and fireworks... sounds more like the makings of a live concert, than vehicle additions.

      On the "cheap" end of the spectrum we have Streamers, Lights, and a Fireworks Pod ($500 each). All 3 must be enabled whilst riding.

      • The Streamers are two semi-transparent ribbons that appear on the handlebars.

        $500 bucks, folks... let that sink in.

      • The lights are 3 colours that slowly cycle into one another.

      • The fireworks spew consistently from both sides of the tail (up and to the sides), regardless of whether or not the vehicle is in motion.

        What better way to scream, "WATER HAZARD", than with fireworks trailing behind you?

      The last two add-ons, the Flame Vents and Music Player, each cost $1000.

      • The Flame Vents spit consistent flames from the two tail exhaust ports, and intermittent flames from the three behind the seat. This must be enabled whilst riding, but works even whilst not in motion.

        If you listen closely, the intermittent fire sounds like the beat from the first part of "Eye Of The Tiger".

      • The music player, unlike the rest of the Add-Ons, can be enabled even whilst not riding.

        • One can change the station and volume, turn it on/off, and even obtain the moodlets for having music nearby, as well as preferred/disliked music.
        • The music player stays on, even after having been put away, and will continue playing once placed in world.
        • One cannot dance to the music or "wind down" by listening to classical.


        Leave it out with the music on, and perhaps any ne'er-do-wells will be too busy jamming out to steal it.
        It's like a multi-ton portable radio.

      After one has gone into bankruptcy and everything's enabled, one can be a "terror of the seas" amidst the quiet residential waterside locales. The water is an open highway.

      Enjoy your one-way trip to a meeting with both the Homeowner's Association, and the Conservationists Society.
    • Kyr0e's avatar
      Seasoned Ace
      2 years ago
      Curious Details #9: What's In The Backpack?

      Booted up my game and saw there was a new SDX drop just the other day.

      A lunchbag that functions as a food dispens- I mean cooler? Interesting. Shame none of the actual coolers were updated, but that isn't a surprise.

      But wait... what's this? A functional backpack? Putting aside the two packs that immediately came to mind, at least this is basegame, so regardless of which DLC one has (or if one has any at all), one can still use it. My mind began racing with the possibilities; things like having a bag full of potions and playing a traveling alchemist, or even storing all of one's collectibles/hobby stuff in it... then reality stepped into the room and told me to take a seat.

      First, the good news: This isn't a reskin of the Basegame chests, so no shared inventory.

      Now for the bad news: This storage item (unlike its predecessors) is limited to 10 items total. Even if one were to slot in a stack of items, their number is included in the count. Also... woo boy is this thing limited in variety of potential inclusions. I mean yeah, the Basegame chest will hold one's collectibles, the fridge will hold one's food/potions, and one's sim can hold anything else, so I get the potential consideration if one's a storage nut with no DLC... but the storytelling potential is severely limited compared to carrying around a cardboard box with everything but the kitchen sink inside.

      Sigh... That aside, I'll list out what can be stored in this thing. If I've missed anything, let me know.

      • Always Has A Snack-Bag
      • Books
      • Cameras (except for Moschino)
      • Cat Wands
      • Chew Toys
      • Clay
      • Drones
      • Flea Market Bubble Bottles
      • Future Cubes
      • Homework (All 3 variants)
      • Laptops
      • (Small) Pet Beds
      • Pet Bowls
      • Private Journals
      • Simmies
      • Skill Books (except Archaeology, Baking, Fabrication, Flower Arranging, Herbalism, Mixology, Photography, Vampire Lore).
      • Slablets and Wabbit Tablets
      • Soccer/Footballs
      • Toys (including Chatterbot and knitted toys, but excluding Crabby Bottom Armadillo and Doctor Playsets)
      • University Textbooks
      • Yoga Mats (Including Instructor's)

      Now before someone inevitably cries "realism", I will point out that children's artwork, school projects, and even portable single-use items (such as the Shower In A Bottle) cannot be stored in the backpack. I won't even point out the fact that there are skill books for skills children cannot learn that are able to be stored in it, but not the ones listed above (I guess I just did). If one already has DU, Eco, or any others with separate, portable storage, this will not replace those. However, if one's playthrough can accommodate (or is focused on) just using the bags for the above, then it's at least a novel item. I, on the other hand, will await a mod to convert these to the same type of storage as the chest from DU or the box from Eco.
    • Hi @KyreRoen I'm really glad you have the presence of mind to nominate your own thread. It is a gold mine of knowledge and advice that would be a great loss to wipe out <3
    • Kyr0e's avatar
      Seasoned Ace
      2 years ago
      Hard enough for others to find. Harder still if it's non-existent, save for one site. I am ever grateful for your appreciation thereof.

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