Forum Discussion

EgonVM's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

Self-Discovery - An Attempt to Understand Tuning Files

After putting together a list on Sim Characteristics with tuning files and having some curiosities over the Self-Discovery system, I've decided to again take a look into tuning files and put together a discussion to help players better get more control over their game. Well, I didn't exactly get a complete info, but I got something at least!

Self-Discovery is a new system from Growing Together which allows young adult, adult, and elder sims to add or change their personality traits through gameplay. When a moment happens, a pop up will appear, asking you if you want to embrace the change. You can either accept it or decline it.

This system can either add or replace your sim's traits. The trait replacements may not always make sense as sometimes they do not conflict. Thanks to this system, your sim can have up to 6 traits.

Sims can have up to 3 self-discovery moments. Only those you accept will count towards the limit, meaning declining will leave your sim open for more self-discovery moments.

If your sim has more than 3 traits, their trait panel will also have a three dots panel, which shows additional personality traits your sim has. However, full-editing sims that has more than 3 traits in CAS will cause the game to glitch out, either causing a crash or preventing you from changing traits of any sim. Using Re-Traiting potion will also remove the additional traits (it is still unclear if it resets the self-discovery counter). So the safest way is to use cheats...

This feature can be turned off from Gameplay Options.

That's all I have gathered from the gameplay. Let's now look into the tuning files...
Or try to... This was somewhat confusing, but I think I got some info together. If someone more experienced could help, it would be appreciated. But let's begin for reals.

There are 27 self-discovery categories:
  • Active
  • Ambition
  • Animal
  • Creative
  • Critic
  • Economy
  • Family
  • Fragile
  • Green
  • Hygiene
  • Islander
  • Jealous
  • Metabolism
  • Mood
  • Outdoorsy
  • Party
  • Relationship
  • Romance
  • Scared
  • Silly
  • Skill
  • Smart
  • Snob
  • Social
  • Tech
  • Virtues
  • NeighborTraits

NeighborTraits is special in a way that, if I understand pre-release information correctly, get suggested when the sim ages up and thus does not require Growing Together

And under the spoilers I'll list all the traits that can come from each category:
  • Active
    • Active
    • Adventurous*
    • Lazy

  • Ambition
    • Ambitious
    • Overachiever
    • Self-Assured

  • Animal
    • Animal Enthusiast
    • Cat Lover
    • Dog Lover

  • Creative
    • Art Lover
    • Creative
    • Maker
    • Music Lover

  • Critic
    • Foodie

  • Economy
    • Freegan
    • Kleptomaniac
    • Materialistic

  • Family
    • Family-Oriented
    • Hates Children

  • Fragile
    • Squeamish

  • Green
    • Green Fiend
    • Recycle Disciple

  • Hygiene
    • Neat
    • Slob

  • Islander

  • Jealous
    • Jealous

  • Metabolism
    • Glutton
    • Lactose Intolerant
    • Vegetarian

  • Mood
    • Cheerful
    • Gloomy
    • Hot-Headed

  • Outdoorsy
    • Child of the Islands**
    • Child of the Ocean**
    • Loves Outdoors

  • Party
    • Dance Machine
    • Party Animal

  • Relationship
    • Loyal
    • Noncommittal

  • Romance
    • Romantic
    • Unflirty

  • Scared
    • Erratic
    • Paranoid

  • Silly
    • Childish
    • Goofball
    • Cringe

  • Skill
    • Clumsy
    • Perfectionist

  • Smart
    • Bookworm
    • Genius

  • Snob
    • High Maintenance
    • Snob

  • Social
    • Bro
    • Insider
    • Loner
    • Outgoing
    • Socially Awkward
    • Nosy

  • Tech
    • Geek

  • Virtues
    • Evil
    • Good
    • Mean
    • Proper
    • Generous

  • NeighborTraits
    • Wise

*Actually belongs in Outdoorsy category.
**Actually belongs in Islander category.

Sim can gain or lose points in each category through gameplay. If they reach maximum (or minimum in some traits) in a category, a self-discovery moment may get triggered, causing the game to suggest a new trait to add/replace an old trait with.

Some categories have a possibility for a maximum and minimum score. If your sim already has a trait in the category, a self-discovery moment can't happen in this category with another trait. The only exception is when your sim with a trait from one extreme gets to the other extreme in the self-discovery, causing the game to suggest replacing that trait with the new one.

In addition, it seems like the game suggests a random trait from appropriate extreme. For example, if your sim has done a lot of creative activities, they could get suggested either Creative, Art Lover, Maker, or Music Lover trait. Remember, having a trait from one category prevents self-discovery moments from that category. So, accepting Creative trait means your sim will never get suggested Art Lover, Maker, or Music Lover traits.
However, there are some special ways to trigger certain self-discovery moments. I haven't found all of them, but an example here is drinking spoilt milk leading to Lactose Intolerant self-discovery moment.
Sims that have more than one trait of one category's extreme cannot have self-discovery moments from the same category's other extreme. For example, sims that have Mean and Evil traits will never have self-discovery moments to earn Good or Proper traits.

I have put together this list under spoilers. In there, I list each category and under it under spoilers what I think causes points to raise and fall there and each message that pops up when a self-discovery moment for it happens. Plus traits with + get suggested when the category value is at the max and traits with - get suggested when the category value is at the minimum.
It seems to track how actively your sim spends their time. However, despite it having Adventurous trait, being active won't trigger it, instead Outdoorsy activities triggering it. Thus I will list it under there.

Active +
has been really Active lately and loves it! Being in motion is starting to feel like a core part of them!

Can replace Lazy trait:
has been a lot more Active lately. Could they be kicking the Lazy bug to the curb and living a more energetic lifestyle?

Lazy -
has been feeling Lazy more and more lately. Their desire to watch TV more and take day naps is increasing daily.

Can replace Active trait:
hasn't been feeling very Active lately. 's been spending time either missing work or being Lazy around the house.

It seems to track how successful and confident your sim has been. Sims that already have one of these traits can't gain more in the Ambition category.

Ambitious +
has been feeling really confident and successful lately. Their new drive is to be more Ambitious!

Overachiever +
has been feeling successful lately and wants to keep it that way, even if that means being an Overachiever.

Self-Assured +
has been feeling really confident and Self-Assured lately. is ready to go out and tackle anything!

It seems to track how much does your sim spend time with animals. Sims that already have one of these traits can't gain more in the Animal category.

Animal Enthusiast +
enjoys spending time with their fuzzy pals and wants to take it to the next level as an Animal Enthusiast!

Cat Lover +
enjoys spending time with their fuzzy pals and wants to take it to the next level as an obsessed Cat Lover!

Dog Lover +
enjoys spending time with their fuzzy pals and wants to take it to the next level as an obsessed Dog Lover!

It seems to track how sims engage in their creative hobbies. Sims that already have one of these traits can't gain more in the Creative category.

Art Lover +
has been feeling the creative itch these days. So much so that 's been inspired to become an Art Lover.

Creative +
has been feeling really Creative lately. It is starting to become a strong passion for their in life.

Maker +
has been feeling the creative itch these days. is inspired to become a Maker and craft things.

Music Lover +
has been feeling the creative itch these days. So much so that 's been inspired to become a Music Lover.

It seems to track how much good quality food has your sim eaten and how many cookbooks have they read.

is appreciating good food even more these days. Should they savor the moment and become an official Foodie?

This seems to track how much money your sim earns and spends.

Kleptomaniac +
seems to enjoy money and expensive artwork lately. Becoming a Kleptomaniac might make it easier to get...

Can replace Freegan trait:
is starting to like expensive things or making quick simoleons. 'Borrowing' things as a Kleptomaniac might just be more lucrative than being a Freegan.

Materialistic +
seems to enjoy money and expensive artwork lately. A Materialistic lifestyle is luxurious but expensive!

Can replace Freegan trait:
is starting to like expensive things or making quick simoleons. Is becoming Materialistic and forgoing the Freegan moral code?

Freegan -
appears to be living a more Freegan lifestyle these days. 's opting for things that reduce waste.

Can replace Kleptomaniac trait:
wonders if it's time to shed their Kleptomaniac 'borrowing' ways in place of a more socially-acceptable thrifty Freegan approach.

Can replace Materialistic trait:
appears to be shedding their Materialistic ways and living a more thrifty Freegan lifestyle.

This seems to raise when your sim interacts with their family and lower when your sim is mean to children.

Family-Oriented +
has enjoyed spending time with family recently. It's become very important for them to bond with their family.

Can replace Hates Children trait:
Hates Children might be a stronger feeling than originally thought. In fact, is starting to feel really Family-Oriented lately.

Hates Children -
has been really mean to children lately. Is it an off-day or could it be that Hates Children?

Can replace Family-Oriented trait:
's had it with rude children! Recent negative interactions with children are making them feel not so Family-Oriented. Maybe Hates Children?

Now this is a little confusing to me. My guess is being uncomfortable or nauseous to icky situations.

Squeamish +
is Squeamish at the moment and doesn't appear to have the stomach for gross things or creepy crawlers.

Seems to track eco-friendly activities your sim is doing.

Green Fiend +
appears to be more eco-friendly these days. Green Fiends are happiest in an eco-friendly environment.

Recycle Disciple +
appears to be more eco-friendly these days. Recycle Disciples revel in the thrill of using a Recycler.

Seems to track how much your sim cleans and how clean they are or their house is.

Neat +
has enjoyed cleaning and doing household chores recently. There's a sparkle of joy when things are Neat!

Can replace Slob trait:
has been cleaning a lot more lately. Could they prefer a more Neat and clean environment versus living as a Slob.

Slob -
hasn't paid much attention to being clean these days. The filthy mess of a Slob is starting to feel comfortable.

Can replace Neat trait:
is finding it hard to keep a Neat home and life. is starting to prefer the freedom of being a carefree Slob?

Seems to track how much has sim done island culture activities. One interesting thing is that it triggers trait changes in the Outdoorsy category, specifically Child of the Islands and Child of the Ocean traits. Thus I'll list these traits here. Again, if sim already has one of these traits, the self-discovery moment in this category won't happen.

Child of the Islands +
enjoys feeling the beach sand and the ocean breeze. In their heart, feels like a Child of the Islands.

Child of the Ocean +
enjoys feeling the beach sand and the ocean breeze. In their heart, feels like a Child of the Ocean.

I'll exclude these traits in the outdoorsy section. From this, I guess this category is a late addition.
Seems to track if your sim catches their significant other cheating.

Jealous +
was cheated on by someone they cared for and is in a Jealous rage! How will they ever trust again?

Seems to track what is your sim eating and how much. In addition, drinking spoiled milk can cause Lactose Intolerant trait to be suggested.

Lactose Intolerant + (after drinking spoiled milk)
drank spoiled milk and it didn't sit well. Unfortunately, all milk will upset their stomach from now on.

Can replace Glutton trait:
just drank spoiled milk and it did not sit very well. Maybe it's time to stop being a Glutton and avoid milk from now on.

Vegetarian +
has been eating a lot of meatless dishes recently. Should they embrace a Vegetarian lifestyle?

Can replace Glutton trait:
has been eating a lot of Vegetarian dishes lately. Is becoming less of a Glutton?

Glutton -
is starting to feel like a Glutton. They can't help it though, the junk food and desserts are just so yummy!

Can replace Lactose Intolerant trait:
has been a bit of a Glutton, eating a lot of junk food or when not hungry. Surprisingly, milk doesn't seem to bother them as much lately.

Can replace Vegetarian trait:
has been a bit of a Glutton, eating a lot of junk food or when not hungry. In fact, is starting to intensely crave non-Vegetarian dishes!

Seems to track if your sim is most of the time feeling happy or angry or sad.

Cheerful +
has been feeling really Cheerful lately. Things are going well and doesn't have a care in the world!

Can replace Gloomy trait:
has been feeling really happy lately. There's almost a Cheerful smile on their face. Maybe things aren't so Gloomy afterall?

Can replace Hot-Headed trait:
has been feeling really calm and Cheerful lately. Has learned to temper down their Hot-Headed behavior?

Gloomy -
has felt an overwhelming sadness wash over them. They can't help but feel Gloomy at the moment.

Can replace Cheerful trait:
is feeling really sad right now and not their typical Cheerful self. Their life has taken a pretty Gloomy turn.

Hot-Headed -
felt a boiling rage has washed over them. They can't help but feel a bit Hot-Headed at the moment.

Can replace Cheerful trait:
is feeling really angry right now and not their typical Cheerful self. If is not careful they might do something Hot-Headed!

Seems to track how much time your sim spends outdoors. Now this is the weirdest category. Despite Adventurous first being listed under Active, it's Outdoorsy that can trigger the suggestion and in fact having this trait won't trigger a suggestion for Loves Outdoors (and vice versa). In addition, Child of the Islands and Child of the Ocean are also first listed under this, despite their suggestion being triggered from Islander category and these not blocking out other Outdoorsy suggestions. Ok, let's see what's truly there.

Loves Outdoors +
is starting to Love the Outdoors. It's exciting being outside and breathing the fresh open air.

Adventurous +
has been enjoying the great outdoors! The fresh air and excitement has brought out their Adventurous side.

Seems to track how much party activities have your sim done and how many social events have they attended.

Dance Machine +
has been enjoying the party music lately. Becoming a Dance Machine feels like the perfect next step!

Party Animal +
has been enjoying the party lifestyle lately. Should they make a roar and let the Party Animal out?

Seems to track how long their commitment requiring relationships last.

Loyal +
is feeling particularly Loyal and committed to their relationships these days! Trust is important to them.

Can replace Noncommittal trait:
can't believe it. is in love and has a strong urge to be committed and Loyal! Can they let go of their Noncommital ways?

Noncommittal -
enjoys their Noncommittal life. Not tied down or held back. Relationships and jobs were meant to change, right?

Can replace Loyal trait:
is starting to think being Loyal in a relationship is unrealistic. Forever is a long time. The freedom of being Noncommittal looks appealing.

Seems to track how many successful romantic interactions has your sim done. This category is weird as successful attempts seem to lower the number and unsuccessful attempts raise the number.

Unflirty +
has not been feeling very romantic lately and is starting to feel kind of Unflirty.

Can replace Romantic trait:
is feeling pretty Unflirty lately with all of their recent failed Romantic social interactions.

Romantic -
is starting to feel like an expert at flirting these days. At heart, they just might be a true Romantic!

Can replace Unflirty trait:
has had some really successful Romantic interactions lately. Is it possible has unlocked their Unflirty heart?

Seems to track how long has your sim been in the Scared emotion.

Erratic +
hasn't been acting like their normal self lately. Their emotions have been a little Erratic to say the least.

Paranoid +
hasn't been acting like their normal self lately. 's been very scared and a bit Paranoid.

Seems to track how long has your sim been in the Playful emotion.

Childish +
has been really playful lately...maybe even a bit Childish. It's nice to be able to play like a kid again.

Goofball +
has been really playful lately. It seems has a real knack for being a playful Goofball.

Cringe +
Uh oh, is kinda... you know... Cringe? I mean we've all had our suspicions, but is it time to face reality?

Seems to track how many mistakes and poor quality things has your sim made, with each mistake gaining points.

Clumsy +
has been making quite a number of Clumsy mistakes while exercising, cooking, or crafting lately.

Can replace Perfectionist trait:
can't seem to do anything right lately, making Clumsy mistakes left and right! Maybe it's time to let go of the need to be a Perfectionist.

Perfectionist -
has been quite a Perfectionist lately! thinks things should be done with high skill and lots of focus.

Can replace Clumsy trait:
has been nailing it! Clumsy no more, has discovered the key to being a Perfectionist?

Seems to track how many intellectual activities has your sim done.

Bookworm +
has enjoyed doing intellectual activities lately and desires to be a devoted Bookworm moving forward.

Genius +
has enjoyed doing intellectual activities lately. It's only logical that they would start to feel a bit like a Genius.

This is also confusing. My guess is that it seems to track how much your sim is bragging and complaining.

Snob +
seems to have high expectations lately. Snob or not, bragging and complaining seems to come very naturally.

Self-Absorbed +
has become the center of their own world. Self-Absorbed or not, is it too much to ask for a compliment?!

High Maintenance +
's feeling a bit High Maintenance these days. Their problems should really be everyone's problems.

Seems to track how much your sim socializes with other sims and how many social interactions succeed. I guess the amount of sims they socialize with is also taken into account...

Outgoing +
has been a social butterfly recently! It feels great being Outgoing and socializing with other Sims.

Can replace Loner trait:
has been social lately. It's a bit scary but also exciting to be more Outgoing. Is it time to step out of the comfort of their Loner solitude?

Can replace Socially Awkward trait:
has found their social place and things are much less Socially Awkward! Being Outgoing with friends is starting to come easier for them.

Bro +
has been feeling like a social Bro lately. It would be nice to sit down and watch sports with other Bro Sims.

Can replace Loner trait:
has been socializing more lately. Could they be shedding their Loner cocoon and transforming into a confident Bro?

Can replace Socially Awkward trait:
is used to Socially Awkward situations but amongst other Bros maybe they'll find their social place.

Insider +
is starting to make some great social connections! 's becoming a true Insider in the social network.

Can replace Loner trait:
has been growing their social network lately, going from a reclusive Loner to a socialite Insider.

Can replace Socially Awkward trait:
is becoming more of a social Insider and isn't struggling with Socially Awkward situations as much these days.

Nosy +
seems to make just about everything their business, could they be a Nosy Sim? Makes sense, is the main character after all (according to them).

Can replace Loner trait:
has been butting into other Sim's affairs lately, going from a reclusive Loner to a unapologetic Nosy Sim.

Can replace Socially Awkward trait:
is becoming more of a Nosy Sim and doesn't care about being Socially Awkward anymore.

Loner -
hasn't been able to connect socially with people lately. Does that make them more of a Loner?

Can replace Outgoing trait:
's had a lot of failed social interactions or alone time recently. Being Outgoing is draining and is starting to prefer the Loner solitude

Can replace Bro trait:
has had a lot of failed social interactions or alone time recently. is starting to prefer the Loner solitude over Bro hugs.

Can replace Insider trait:
's had a lot of failed social interactions or alone time recently. is starting to prefer the Loner solitude over the social Insider crowds.

Socially Awkward -
has been feeling Socially Awkward and lonely lately. Social situations just don't appear to be their thing.

Can replace Outgoing trait:
hasn't felt very Outgoing lately. Things have been Socially Awkward with failed interactions or has had a lot of alone time recently.

Can replace Bro trait:
isn't feeling the Bro love these days. Things have been Socially Awkward with failed interactions or has had a lot of alone time recently.

Can replace Insider trait:
might not be a social Insider anymore. Things have been Socially Awkward with failed interactions or has had a lot of alone time recently.

Seems to track how much technology your sim uses.

Geek +
is becoming a Geek for technology these days. Whether it's computer or video games related, enjoys it!

Seems to track how your sim treats other sims and what good or bad things they do. Again, in a reversed logic, good things remove points while bad things add points.

Evil +
has been dabbling in the dark side of life and a spark of Evil has taken root.

Can replace Good trait:
hasn't been very Good lately. Is that a glimmer of Evil twinkling in their eye?

Can replace Proper trait:
has not been very nice to others lately. is finding being Proper to be such a bore... Evil is where the fun is at!

Mean +
has felt the sweet tangy thrill of being Mean! Should they let it become a part of their personality?

Can replace Good trait:
is finding being Good to be overrated. is enjoying the thrill of being Mean!

Can replace Proper trait:
is finding Proper to be too much work. In fact, has been pretty Mean lately.

Good -
has been doing Good things lately. isn't a 'goody-two-shoes' or anything, but they can be.

Can replace Evil trait:
has been pretty Good lately. Is this a fluke or has truly reformed from Evil?

Can replace Mean trait:
is learning the hard way that not many like Mean Sims. So has been taking a new approach as a Good Sim.

Proper -
feels being Proper is very important to them and seems to be spending more time on themselves.

Can replace Evil trait:
has felt the spark of reform! Should they change their Evil ways and live a more Proper life?

Can replace Mean trait:
has felt the spark of reform! Should they change their Evil ways and live a more Proper life?

Generous -
is awfully Generous, wouldn't you agree?

Can replace Evil trait:
sure is Generous, has forgone their wicked ways?

Can replace Mean trait:
has been feeling pangs of regret for their past Mean actions, could they* actually be a Generous Sim deep down inside?
*Doesn't depend on set pronoun: always they

This seem to be suggested once an elder ages up. The chance of it increases when your sim has certain skills above level 5 and certain traits.
The base chance of it happening is 10. Every skill multiplies it with 1.25 and every trait multiplies it with 1.5.
This is the list of skills that increase the chance:
  • Logic
  • Medium
  • Programming
  • Writing
  • Rocket Science
  • Research and Debate
  • Robotics
  • Wellness
  • Knitting

This is the list of personality traits that increase the chance:
  • Bookworm
  • Geek
  • Genius
  • Creative
  • Adventurous
  • Overachiever

This is the list of reward traits (both hidden and unhidden) that increase the chance:
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Creative Visionary
  • Brave
  • Mentor
  • Great Storyteller
  • The Knowledge
  • Sickness Resistant
  • Scientists' Expert Repair hidden trait
  • Memorable

Finally, this is the list of traits that prevent Wise trait to be suggested:
  • Cringe
  • Snob
  • Hot-Headed
  • Erratic

And of course it won't be suggested when all self-discovery moments were had.

Wise +
has finally reached their golden years, and has quite a few stories to tell about their journey. Could this Sim be Wise?

Ok. The real reason why I made generalized guesses is because the point changes are listed in the interaction files. As the game has a lot of interactions (even the hidden ones), it would just take a long time.

I tried my best, but I think I got a decent result. However, as I said, if you are more experienced in that subject, feel free to share your findings.

So, what do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts!

Edit. Whoops! Accidentally put it under The Sims 4 General Discussion. If someone could move it to The Sims 4 Packs Discussion, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  • Notice!
    Due to my heavy spoiler usage in the original post (and spoiler tags being broken), I have moved the self-discovery thread there instead where I make use of post organization system in these forums instead.

    From now on, all the updates to the self-discovery system and other systems will be included in that thread. Specifically here.

    Thanks! Please check out Compatibility & Self-Discovery Explained thread for the updated info.

11 Replies

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