Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

Sims 4 Ballad

For some odd reason, I woke up this morning with a few lyrics bouncing in my head. No doubt, it's been inspired by my Global Superstar's Obsessed Fan. I've posted before how I kept hearing a loud, sinister voice and then finally found the guy in the front foyer! Well, my Sim has moved into his own place recently. Suddenly, the Voice was heard again. It's eerie, but it's fun. Without further ado, here are the two verses and chorus I came up with. This goes to the tune of the Ballad when a Sim is writing lyrics.

Ode to My Fan

Verse: You come skulking around,
hiding in my bushes —
You peek through the windows at night,
watching my wife do the dishes —
You do you hang around?

Chorus: Nosey fellow. Nosey fellow. Nosey fellow,
Get a life . . .

Verse: You speak to the press,
Telling them about me —
It’s not really the truth, just what you would have them believe,
Why do you tell such lies?

Chorus: Nosey fellow. Nosey fellow, Nosey fellow,
Get a life

Tell me what you think. I may or may not add to these as the spirit moves me. Inspiration being what it is. :)
  • Frn0731's avatar
    New Spectator
    When I have my sim write music , I usually don't listen . Either I play with a sim in another room far off or turn down the volume.
    I could just imagine you laying in bed at night listening to a sim write music in your head. lol
    Pretty catchy lyrics you came up with.
  • "Frn0731;c-17153047" wrote:
    When I have my sim write music , I usually don't listen . Either I play with a sim in another room far off or turn down the volume.
    I could just imagine you laying in bed at night listening to a sim write music in your head. lol
    Pretty catchy lyrics you came up with.

    Thank you. I don't normally write lyrics, but I do have a strong love of music. Tunes just grab me for some odd reason. This one is the Ballad. I do pay attention when my singer writes his songs. It's funny as he starts it off, then his voice wavers a bit and he sometimes pauses, or stumbles over the words. This tune has a catchy chorus which sounds like :Rosy bello, rosy bello, rosy bello, hypa-tie. Also, my Sim has been plagued by an Obsessed fan. I've used this RTF mod in the past, but never heard the voice of the Obsessed fan in this manner. His voice was louder than my other Sims and he was snickering in an evil manner. For a time, I couldn't find him in or around the lot. Then I finally found him in the front foyer! After Erik moved, I heard the voice again. I think that provided the inspiration for these lyrics.