I see both positive and negative comments on twitter... but there are also a lot of comments about what people want for the sims4 and why the sims3 is better... and that is becoming pretty repetitive after all these years... I guess that's to be expected when you keep a game going for so long, but still...
There are also a lot of people who seems to take this thing way too...personal. It's just a game. But people post all sorts of personal pictures, go off on rants or share things that I would not share on twitter...
People are also either way too positive, or too negative as well. People lost their minds over Bonehilda for example and then they found out that she doesn't have a coffin and they go super negative.
I like that the forums are moderated and the people here make good posts about their opinions, and it's not just a short super positive or super negative message in all caps.