Forum Discussion

comeseenicke01's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 days ago


So yes! I'm five years behind playing Strangerville. This year alone, is when I really started added the packs. Simply because I had to start playing with my ps4 because my custom computer finally crashed. It did me justice. Moment of silence. Any whoooo, Yesterday, I decided to play with Strangerville. It's getting closer to spooky season lol. Well, I developed a whole story line where the female is the protagonist and lives off into the sunset. Oh, how the tides have turned. You see, I designed the perfect college student. She would go off to Britchester, major in psychology and become a professor. Now over the time of creating her, studying with her, making friends and forming her own little style....I became truly invested in her. My fav so far, and that says a lot. During her college years, she became heavily dedicated to wellness. So much so, she stayed at the spas on her free time. To the point I changed her aspiration to wellness. Then she began to teach classes, maintain her zen, and had the shape for clothes that not ANY of my other sims could pull off. She's a chef's kiss. One night at a party, she meets a guy, likes the guy, and a relationship blossomed. He showed up to her graduation and took her on a vacation as a grad present. After she started establishing herself with her career, she was finally able to have a nice nest egg. She was getting promotions left and right. She didn't have an issue with her man's job, but didn't see how it could coincide with her timeline of living on a tropical island. You see, he was in the military career. And without a college education, she felt he would take longer than she had hoped for. She already knew guys that where in the fortune 500 league by now. So this was a gamble for her, but she did love him. HERE'S THE TWIST! Yes, he was in the military career but he was practically a ghost. Meaning he came in, settled situations, and vanished. He owned homes in three locations and Sulani was one of them. So when he decided to take her again...he wanted to propose. He hated lying to her but it was inevitable. So while on their romantic weekend, he set up a studio at the house so she could teach yoga classes. She was so amazed. And when she wasn't doing that, she showed him just how thankful she was. But after returning home she began to feel sick and couldn't hold anything down. She was pregnant! What was she going to do? She was at the pinnacle of her career and yoga was her baby. After some thought she told her lover the news. He was quiet, almost solemn but came around fast. So much so, he married her before she started to show and threw a baby shower not to long after that. Only thing that was eating him up inside was the fact of the huge mission in Strangerville that he just got assigned to. You see, none of the personnel knew his ghost persona so he would have to ride the ranks just like everyone else. Which didn't bother him...that was light work. What wasn't lightwork was now having two weaknesses if things went South. His wife and child. If they were caught up in this, he wouldn't make it through. Several months later, he and his lovely wife were settled into Strangerville. They purchased a nice fix her upper and she only had to travel to Britchester once a week. What she didn't know...he picked this house for a reason. While she traveled to give lectures, he was busy making a bunker during his down time. It was complete with two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, small dining room and bathroom. A whole house on the bottom. And room for their future baby to be quite comfy when the time came. But as the pregnancy went on she became more tense, irritated, and mean. He thought that it was the pregnancy and not having time to slow down since college. But she assured him that she was very content on how things were moving, but she didn't act like it. A couple months later a beautiful baby girl was added to the family. And you could tell she was the apple of her father's eye. Of course her mom loved her but she was quite distant. It didn't help that one week before her delivery, he had to tell her about the bunker and orders had came down that Strangerville was about to get shook on it's head. Weirdly, she didn't seem fearful or anxious, almost relieved. That reaction made him feel relieved but a little suspicious. So he had taken wire taps and bugged her conversations a couple of times. Neither findings made no sense. Both talked about money and not to worry where it came from and who it would hurt. These words coming out of his wife's mouth! Now more than ever he was ready to begin and end this mission so he could finally know what was up with his wife. As you can imagine the day of going out into the field was heavy tension. She didn't kiss him, assure him, nor act like it was bothering her. This was not the woman he married. But what did give him strength was spending the day with his sweet little girl. He fed her, gave her a bath, played tummy time, read her a book, and she silently fell asleep on his chest. In the doorway his wife looked on like it was just another day.  While he was out getting intel, he noticed people acting weird, not able to talk coherently, moving their limbs in ways they were not to be moved. He broke protocol and dashed home. He burst through the door and noticed little spores glistening and floating through the house. He called out for his wife, his response. Sweating profusely he ran down into the bunker...empty. Leaping three steps at a time, he made it back up to the top of the stairs and heard a faint noise. A noise he knew all to well....a sound of relaxation. He barged open the bathroom door and there lie his wife, soaking in a warm lavender bath. "Where's the baby?!" She looked slowly up at him as if he was out of line. "Why aren't you guys in the bunker?!" She simply said, "What for?" He  demanded that she tell him where his baby was. All of a sudden he heard a faint cry. NOW THIS IS WHERE THE SIMS 4 GLITCH COMES IN BUT WORKED SO PERFECTLY TO MY STORYLINE. AS I DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS A THING. I scanned the cursor on the baby's picture and she was all the way down the street with pink pores surrounding her as she screamed inhumanely. Her needs were all drained and she was sweltering! I put the game in first person mode and had dad run as fast as he could to his daughter. He picked her up and cradled her to his chest. You could hear his harsh breathing all the while passing weird strange people. Smiling wildly, flailing back and forth with no inhibitions about anything. Could they hurt you? Have they touched his child? He rushed down into the bunker; fed her, gave her a bath, soothed and comforted her until she fell asleep in daddy's arms. All the while, Mom is preparing herself something to eat. WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS? THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO TELL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR IT. TRUST ME, IT'S GOOD! 


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